Friendships Mended

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Adrien impatiently waited for the beautiful girl to arrive on school grounds. He stepped over to Alya and Nino to join their conversation.
"Marinette just needs to learn how to control herself." Alya snapped, shocking the boy. Nino spoke up, "Yeah, she's a bit too sensitive." Adrien practically wanted to stab them, but he wouldn't because they were his best friends.
"Don't you guys know that Chloe threw her against the wall?" Adrien stood up for the girl her loved.. No liked.. No... Loved. Both Alya and Nino's jaws dropped, and concerned expressions crossed their faces. "Oh my god! Is she alright?" Alya pried. And almost on cue, the blue haired girl stepped onto campus with a heavy sigh.

Alya ran up to her before Adrien could, but he'd decided to hang back. He heard questions being asked and at one point they examined her wounds.  "Who stitched this up for you?" Alya questions mischievously. Adrien noticed a bright red blush become painted across Marinette's face and chuckled to himself. Alya pried for more information while giggling. "Girl you have to tell me!"

Adrien looked over the girl for the first time that day, she was wearing a pair of black boots with a small heel on them. She was wearing black jeans, and a light grey sweater that fell off the shoulder on one side. And her hair, fell effortlessly and gorgeously around her shoulders in loose waves.

The lovestruck boy stopped all thinking when Nino snapped his fingers in front of his face. "What are you doing checking out Marinette, man?" Nino teased and laughed half heartedly. Adrien felt a bright blush creep over his face and he chuckled nervously. Today was going to be a long day.

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