Hung Up

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After the cat had left Marinette pulled Tikki from her hiding place. "Tikki! We need to go.." She trailed off as she winced with the pain of another headache. "We need to go help Chat!" She rushed and Tikki nodded back as she awaited her command. "Tikki, transform me!"

After her transformation, Marinette swung with her yoyo from building to building until she reached the Champ de Mars, in which she saw Chat Noir battling what seemed to be a man in a dark red outfit with black and purple accents.

"Give it up, MindBender!" She'd heard Chat call out the villain as he swung his staff at him. Ladybug swung down on her yoyo and landed next to Chat.

After quite a long while of bad puns, flirting, and fighting the villain, the two superhero's finally had him pinned down and ladybug was ready to smash the akumatized object. Before she could bring her foot down upon it to crush it, the villain threw her to the side and she slid across the park and was left clinging to the side of a cliff as her miraculous began to beep.

"Chat! Help! I'm about to detransform!"


The cat slid over to help the girl but was pushed backwards as the villain pursued on.


'One more beep and I detransform!' Marinette began to panic, "Chat!" She cried for help as the boy ran over and grabbed her hand pulling her up from the cliff. Ladybug smashed the akumatized object and purified the akuma only to be greeted by a pun afterwards. "What a cliffhanger!"

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