Loss- Jackson Scenario

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So I had written this scenario when I was suffering from a loss in my family, so I wrote it in the beginning of this year but I've finally had the guts to post it so I hope you enjoy and I'm also debating on a part 2 so let me know if anyone would want to read a part 2?? Thank you loves


It's crazy to think how short life is or that anyone can die at any age at any minute. It's a scary and sad thought. No one wants to get a call that someone you loved dearly passed away and you won't be able to hear their voice or feel their touch for the rest of your life.So when she got the news, she cried, and cried and cried. A dear family member back home passed away the night before. It was the worst feeling she felt in a long time knowing it was too late. She was in an interview with a few other artists when she heard, an interview about her new groups debut and the blast it set off in the industry. "So Eunsol-ah how does it feel to look back at all the preparing and training you and the rest of your members did for this debut, and to compare it to what a success it's turned out to be?" The interviewer asked starting at Eunsol. "It's a trip. It's great to see how work pays off, and I'm so grateful to my members and everyone at the company who trained us and helped us to get to the point that we are today. It's was super hard, and it was extremely rough and I'll admit it was painful and stressful but it all payed off. We all have definitely grown and matured so well with each other and we have all worked so hard, pushing our selfs as hard as we can to challenge and make ourselves even better. We had so much support from those around us" she said smiling at the idols from her entertainment company. "When I look back at all of the hard work that has been done, I feel a sense of success and happiness" Eunsol smiled putting all of her thoughts and emotions into her answer. There stood her manager staring nervously at Eunsol as she processes the phone call she just received. "Hello yes this is Eunsols mother, I am calling to inform her that her Aunt Sarah has passed away. I couldn't get ahold of her because I heard she was busy so can you have her call me ASAP? Thank you very much" the call was over before another word could get through. Eunsols manger knew how important her aunt Sarah is to her, and knew that the news would break her heart to bits. But priorities are priorities and she must tell Eunsol as soon as possible. After speaking to the camera crews and producer she got them to cut off the interview to be finished another day. "Okay everybody, the interview is cut short and will be finished at another scheduled time." The producer spoke, receiving sighs of reliefs from various crew members. The producer walked closer to Eunsol and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder "I'm sorry for your loss" he spoke before walking away. Eunsol stood dumbfounded and confused before looking to her manger. The other idol guests looked confused at the sad girl in front of them. "W-what is he talking about?" She questioned with such worry in her voice. "Here sweety let's get to the car and I'll tell you there" her manger said attempting to pull her away from the people in the room. Eunsol snapped "N-no tell me. Tell me here and now. What does he mean?!" her manger took a deep breath before pulling Eunsol towards the dressing room and starting "Your mother called a few minutes ago, she said that your aunt Sarah passed away not too long ago" Eunsol froze in her spot processing and reprocessing the words she just heard. Suddenly she felt her legs give out before someone caught her from hitting the ground. She hadn't noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks until she let out a sob "no no she was just fine before I left. She she was just fine" she sobbed and let Jackson hold her comforting her and stroking her back. "No no no no no no" she repeated sobbing. "I didn't get to say goodbye" she sobbed. Eunsol didn't even notice that she was being carried off to a more secluded area until she felt herself being placed onto a small couch in the sets dressing room area. Jackson set the crying girl carefully into the couch taking a seat beside her and she threw her face in her hands sobbing. He stroked her back speaking comforting phrases. "She's in a better place now, she wouldn't want you to be so sad" he spoke running his fingers through her now messed up hair. "Hey look at me" he spoke bringing Eunsols chin up to face him "Don't cry, it may hurt now, but things will get better. She's in a better place now and she would want you to stay happy. Everything's gonna be okay, you just have to stay positive." He spoke making sure not to break eye contact. Eunsol placed her hands on Jackson's shoulders to keep her now weak self positioned to face him, "How can I be okay when I didn't even get to say goodbye? I was supposed to go home this weekend to see her but it's too late. I didn't get to say goodbye" she let out another sob letting her head fall down. Jackson instinctively pulled her close, letting her cry onto his shoulder as he held her tight. Eunsol let it all out squeezing her grip on Jackson's shirt crying until she had no more tears left. "It's not fair" she spoke with course dry voice. She pulled away from Jackson's warmth to sit up straight, staring off at nothing. Jackson kept his arm around her, rubbing her arm up and down to comfort the fragile girl. "Hey, life's not fair, it's not fair one bit. But, your aunt is in a better place now, and I know for a fact she wouldn't want you to be so hurt right now, she'd want you stay happy about your memories, and keep you head up to move along strong" Jackson spoke lifting her chin so Eunsol would look up at him. Eunsol didn't speak a word but reached out pulling Jackson into a hug, he hugged her tight as she wrapped her arms around his neck engulfing herself onto his body, in taking his scent. At this point Eunsol realized her feelings for Jackson were breaking through the surface, that fact that he was always there to comfort her or just make her smile in general was enough to push Eunsol into falling for him. "You'll be okay love, you'll be okay"

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