Happiness? Chanyeol Scenario

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Ahah another one from my log!! Enjoy, its a new one! Its quite short though!


Chanyeol sighed as another classmate presented their work. Each student in the class had to do a short presentation talking about their point of view on what happiness is, and how one may find it. Plugging in his earphones in he tuned out every presenter after the next until a familiar face was standing in front of the classroom; Y/n. Y/n took a deep breath before starting, her eyes glancing to Chanyeol throughout the whole presentation, "Happiness; something people hear about all of the time throughout their whole lives. But the real question is, how does a simple teenager like myself find such a thing. I find it in shoes, I find some in books, I find it in makeup, and I find it in my favorite food. But that happiness only lasts in the short moments that one experiences it. You find happiness in people, like your family, and friends, and I feel you find the most happiness out of your best friend." She spoke taking a pause smiling wide at Chanyeol. She continued, "When you hear the word happiness what is something you think of besides material things or certain hobbies? A lot of people would have the same exact answer as each other, Love. But personally I don't think that you need love to know happiness, happiness is what you decide it to be." She held her breath expecting laughs to come from the class but they simply clapped and she was excused to her seat. Chanyeol's heart fluttered as her sweet voice sounded through his ears. He found happiness in her voice, her eyes, her flaws, her laugh, her crazy hair, her obsession of being organized. He found happiness in her, she held him up when he was down, she brought a smile to his face just with the thought of her existence, she was his best friend. She trusted him just as much and he trusted her, she went to him when she was feeling down, she told him her secrets, she cried on his shoulders, she held to his arm through crowds, she cleared her schedule for him. She took her seat beside Chanyeol and let out a sigh of relief. Chanyeol smiled lightly as he thought about how cute she was when she was shy. She smiled to her self as thoughts of relief filled her mind, looking over at her best friend giving him a small smile. Chanyeol's heart melted at the sight of her shy smile, bringing a grin on his face before she looked away from him to the front of the class. "Would she ever feel the same?" He thought resting his chin on his hand tuning out the next presenter, filling his mind with thoughts of his love for her; for his best friend. 

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