Short Amount of Time: U-Kiss Soohyun Scenario

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So I'm gonna start this book off with the first scenario I wrote on my tumblr account! I'll try and edit all of the typos out, and make it a bit better so hope you enjoy! Its a bit old but it was one of my firsts so I think its worthy to make it into my book of scenarios haha! Enjoy! 


You plopped down on the floor leaning your back against the wall, breathing heavily. You were one of the backup dancers for u-kiss and you are currently all learning the dance for the new songs off of the upcoming album Mono Scandal. The concept of the album is a sexy concept, though it is a lot different than all of the other dances in the past, you can't help but thank god for it. You're partnered up with Soohyun and boy are you enjoying it! Things have been a bit frustrating lately, because you've began to develop feelings for him. Though, there has been a constant flirting and attraction between each other, you can't help but feel like he doesn't like you in the same way. But to you he's so perfect. His hair, his smile, his sense of humor, his personality, his perfectly toned muscles, the way he lights up a room. You couldn't find one flaw, and if you did, then you ended up loving it anyway.

"Y/n" You heard someone call snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the very one that was on your mind, Soohyun. "Come on y/n One more time before we're out of here" He smiled holding out his hand. You gladly took it as he helped you up leading you over to your spot on the dance floor. Earning a little look from Kevin, because of course Kevin knows about your small crush. Your cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as you looked away.

You both got in your positions for the beginning of the dance, which was Soohyun on one knee, and you sitting on the other with his arms around your waist, while yours are wrapped around his neck. You waited for the music to start, and once it did, you continued the new dance. The constant hip moving, dropping it low, touchy feely kind of dance made you feel so different. Before mono scandal the 'sexiest' dance was stop girl and that wasn't even sexy at all. Before you knew it, you were in the ending position which was Soohyun with a hand on your waist, and you facing his chest and one hand on his neck. "Good job everyone!" The dance instructor yelled out clapping. Out of breath you made your way over to your bag grabbing a water bottle jugging down its contents.

"Hey Y/n" Soohyun said coming up to you smiling. "Hey Soohyun" You smiled. "Good job today" He said "Not too bad yourself" You giggled "So um, I know, we have been talking and like been meeting up for a while now and I was wondering if you wa-" Soohyun was cut off by you quickly turning your attention to the tall figure walking into the room. "No Way!" You shouted running to the tall figure "Y/F/N what are you doing here oh my god" You squealed and ran up to your guy friend from back home! You ran up and jumped into a big hug. He lifted you up off your feet, twirling you around. Tears brimmed your eyes as you hugged him tighter. "I missed you so much y/n" He said in your hair. "I missed you too!" You said hugging one of your closet friend's from back home. After the long hug he let you down slowly to your feet, releasing you to the ground. "What are you doing here?" You asked overjoyed. "What i can't come visit you after you move over 6,000 miles away from me?" He asked playfully. "Oh so now your good at geography huh? All those years of helping you with your geography work and you barley figure it out now" You playfully glared. "No but for real what are you doing here" You asked. "Well my college has taken a trip down here, because I'm studying world history, the class got to pick where to come, and here just happened be the place, I had to pay off about 10 people to vote for here but it still happened to be here" He laughed wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You almost forgot about everyone else in the room until you saw Eli, staring at you and your friend with an odd expression. "Right I almost forgot, Guys, this is y/f/n hes a friend from back home" You smiled. Everyone introduced themselves to him and Soohyun was last in line.

"Hi I'm Soohyun" He smiled, but you could tell it was fake. "Hey man I'm y/f/n! Nice to meet you dude" Your friend greeted shaking his hand. You noticed some sort of tension on Soohyuns face. "Hey y/n ill be right back I left my phone in the lobby" Your friend said patting his pockets, and running off to find his phone. "Okay whats up with you Soohyun?" You asked sympathetically. "And don't you dare say nothings wrong because I know damn well some things up" You said crossing your arms looking up at him. "Nothing I'm just stressed out" He sighed. "Soohyun, I know somethings wrong you can tell me, you know that right?" You said sternly. "Don't worry about it" He snapped. "Well sorry for trying to care" You snapped back. Soohyun sighed "Sorry Sorry Like I said I'm just stressed" he sighed once more "I've been meaning to do something and every time I try to do it, something either gets in the way or I just get too nervous" He said looking to the floor. "Just do it Soohyun, don't let what ever it is hold you back, Don't let anything get in your way" You smiled. "You're right." He smiled confidently. You giggled and turned to walk towards the exit of the room to find your friend when Soohyun stopped you by lightly grabbing your wrist. You turned around confused. "y/n, I like you a lot, and I know we have been talking and well meeting up outside of this studio, and we have gotten closer with each other, and I want to ask you to be my girlfriend." He said nervously. You smiled widely turning red. "Yes! A thousand times yes" You said turning a deeper shade of red. Soohyun smiled pulling you into a big bear hug lifting you off the ground cheering. You giggled wrapping your arms around him. He let you down after a while then placing a kiss on your cheek, and his arm around your waist. "I leave for 5 minutes and you get a boyfriend, We need to have a serious talk Missy" Your friend joked around. "A lot can happen in a short amount of time" You laughed looking up at Soohyun. 

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