Store -Chanyeol Scenario

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Oooo here's another old request from tumblr! Edited a bit, Enjoy!


You woke up once again to an empty bed in the morning, it seems as if you never see Chanyeol anymore. At this point you can't take it anymore. Don't get it wrong you love him with all of your heart, but you can't help but feel as if you're not as important to him as you used to be. He always leaves early in the morning and goes straight to bed when he gets home, so you never get a lot of time to see him anymore. On his days off he either spends it sleeping in or going out with the boys.

But you've never brought the topic up because you hadn't the courage nor the emotional stability to even think of it. But it wasn't until he started a fight that your thoughts seeped out of your mind.

You got up out of bed and decided to take a nice shower to help relax yourself. After you were done, you did your daily routine and got ready to go do some grocery shopping, because you decided it'd be nice to make Chanyeol some dinner.

You grabbed your ingredients and made your way to line where you ran into an unexpected friend "oh my god Y/N what are you doing here?!" y/f/n said giving you a hug "oh you know just doing some grocery shopping ha" you said smiling. The two of you conversed until he had to go. "We should meet up sometime next week so we can catch up with eachother" he smiled "yea just give me a call and you can finally meet Chanyeol in person" you smiled before saying goodbye and heading home.

The rest of the day was spent Slaving over the stove making dinner for Chanyeol, but luckily 6:00 rolled around soon enough for you to set it up just in time for him to come home, except he didn't come home for another couple of hours. It was almost midnight by the time you fell asleep at the table waiting.

You heard a door slam waking you up rom your subtle sleep. There he was, drunk slurring his words. "Where have you been?!" You questioned, standing up from your seat. "Why does it matter, it's none of your buisness" he slurred walking closer to you. "Why does it matter? Why does it matter?! I don't know maybe because I am your GIRLFRIEND who cares about you enough to make you dinner and wait so long for you to come home." You said getting angry at the tall figure who can barley stand up straight. "Dinner, you call this dinner" he stated flipping the plate of food from the table to the ground. "I spent all day making that for you Chanyeol. I waited hours and you were out getting drunk. I SLAVED MAKING THIS FOR YOU BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LOVE THIS DISH. I STAYED UP WAITING FOR YOU BECAUSE I KNEW YOUD HAVE A VALUABLE REASON AS TO WHY YOU WERE LATE. But no, here you are drunk" he just laughed and walked even closer "who's fault is that, I never asked you to stay up or make me dinner so it's your own fault" he said bending down to your height. "YES ITS MY FAULT FOR TRYIN BE A GOOD GIRLFRIEND TO YOU CHANYEOL. It's my fault I feel like I have to try even harder to stay important to you, it's my fault you're always out and never home, it's my fault we barley ever have time together, yea sure Chanyeol it's my fault" you yelled making him even angrier. By now his eyes were clear and he seemed a bit more sober "yeah well maybe I should have never asked you to be mine if I knew you were gonna act like this" he yelled in your face. "How can you say something like that" you were at a loss for words, as tears trickled down your face. "Y/N I didn't mean it" he said as he realized what just happened "then why did you say it Chanyeol" tears streamed down your face as you ran and slammed the bedroom door locking it behind you. You broke down, crying your eyes out until you fell asleep.

For the next week your days consisted of avoiding Chanyeol, giving him one worded answer to question, and working extra hours at work to give the excuse that you'd be home late again. But today, your boss made you go home after she noticed the lack of sleep you were receiving. You arrived at home to find Chanyeol waiting for you "we need to talk" he said standing from his seat "listen Jagiya, I'm sorry. Those words meant nothing. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I was drunk and angry and I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry" he said as his eyes watered. You didn't know what to say, standing there as your emotions took over. "Baby I'm sorry please forgive me, I love you" he said tears trickling down his cheeks "Chanyeol" was all you could say before you ran into his arms, seeing him cry broke your heart into pieces. He held you tight and you did the same "I love you so much" he mumbled into your hair "I love you too Chanyeol."

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