You're Perfect ~Jungkook Scenario

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Scenario from my tumblr! Edited! Enjoy! 


Today was just not your day. On top of the stress that you have been facing with all of your life's tasks, today made you feel even worse about your life. You were late to school, didn't get a chance to eat all day, you tripped in front of your whole class, someone bumped into you and spilled their smoothie all over your new white top, and on top of everything you were getting bullied and hatted on for being in a relationship with your boyfriend Jungkook. After you missed the bus home, you didn't want to bother Kookie to ask for a ride so you decided to walk home, which wasn't the best idea.

You were followed by a group of about 5 girls you've never seen before. Speeding up your pace, you walked faster towards your apartment you shared with your boyfriend. But when turning into an alley to take a shortcut, you were soon stopped and got the living shit beaten out of you. Vulgar names being thrown from every direction, punches, kicks and scratches followed, they even had a phone out recording everything.

You couldn't believe anyone could do such a thing to anyone for just trying to be happy with someone that they love, but the world never seems to quit with the surprises. Limping your way home, you pulled your hoodie over your head hiding your face and dodging every look from them world. After the long walk, you finally reached your apartment. Opening the door and almost falling on the floor, you fiddled with your strength and made it to the couch falling down on the soft cushion.

You looked at the clock as it read 8:00 Jungkook would be home any minute now. 'How will I explain this to him' you thought as you fully broke down. You cried tears of embarrassment, insecurity, pain, and all around hurt coming from your heart. As if on cue, the door opened and a happy Kookie came through the door way.

But his smile was short lived once he heard the familiar heart aching sound of you crying. Without hesitation, he sped his way over to you pulling you into his arms. You rested your head on his chest letting everything out. "Shh it's okay I'm here. Oppas here" Jungkook said stroking your back.

Once you finally calmed down, you looked up at him, and her noticed every single bruise upon your body. "Who did this?!" he questioned, anger written all over his face. He examined every inch if your body looking for your bruises, he lifted you up and carried you upstairs into you room to your bathroom. You sat there emotionless as he cleaned your cuts and tended to your bruises. "Was it.." He didn't even have to finish his sentence after seeing the look oh your face. "Why didn't you call me or one of the hyungs for a ride Y/N?" He asked still angry. You felt yourself getting emotional again as tears made their way down your cheeks. "I-I'm sorry" you cried looking down to your lap as you sat on the bathroom counter. Jungkook hated to see you cry. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head head into his neck. He pulled you close, hugging you tight. "Hey hey it's going to be alright okay I promise" he said pulling away to look at you. "What if they're right? You do deserve better than a chubby, ugly school girl who is too shy to defend herself" you cried out. "Stop it because you know that's not true. All they're speaking is lies. I love you more than anything in this world Y/N. You're gorgeous, you're smart, you're not fat, you're perfect. There's nothing wrong with being shy. You're perfect the way that you are. Don't you dare for a second think that what they say is true because they are just jealous that I love you and not them. You're so perfect to me. Without you I wouldn't be as happy as I am. I love you Y/N" Jungkook said making you smile widely. " I love you too Kookie" you said as he pulled you into a tight hug. "I love you more my perfect Y/N"

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