Johnny imagine

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"Get out of here!!! I hate you! You ruined my life!" Your mother screamed at you. So you grabbed a big backpack and took what you could. Then you ran. You ran till you came to a lot. You sat on a old truck seat to clear your head.. You checked your pocket, you had 300$ you had saved up for college.. "I guess this is how it's gotta go." You mumbled to your self. You looked around and you see a big tree. It was getting dark and you had no where to go so you climbed the tree,and tied yourself to the tree so you wouldn't fall while you slept.
You heard something, it woke you up. You looked under the tree to see a boy. Setting by a small fire. He was crying. You sat back up and fell asleep. Cause he looked like he didn't want to be bothered.

You had been staying in the tree for two weeks. You got a job, and you bathed in the brook near by. It was almost dark and you were on your way back to the tree. You liked another five minutes of being there. You were just walking enjoying the evening summer air, when you noticed a green camaro following you. You started walking faster, but the car pulled in front of you. You ran around the car, and stared running as fast as you could. But a soc grabbed you and slung you on the ground he kept kicking you repeatedly. You layers there with your eyes closed you heard fighting then someone picked you up. You opened you eyes and seen you were looking at the boy you saw crying when you first started staying in the tree. "Thank you." You whispered.
"Your welcome. I'm Johnny." He said as he laid you on the old truck seat in the lot.
"I'm rose..." You whispered.
"A p-pretty n-name for a pretty g-girl." He stuttered.


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