Chapter 1

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Geez, school mornings seem to be a drag. The government must make a change with starting the school so early in the morning. My alarm rang again-finally on its snooze.

I buried my head on my pillow and groaned. My eyelids are still heavy, it tells me to return back to my glorious slumber. My hand finds itself on the alarm clock, it just can't stop ringing for fucks sake! Finally irritated, I banged my hand on the alarm clock and I did not bother to pick it up when it fell on my carpeted floor.

I savor the silence in my room and slowly, I drift back to sleep. But in a split second my eyes widened from that gods-forsaken music my sister is playing on the other side. I groan loudly, I cannot wait for the day when I will have a house of my own. With that, I can sleep peacefully without anyone interrupting.

Speaking of anyone interrupting, I jostled myself up and take a look at my door. I was not sure if I locked the door last night but to make sure I did, I throw off my comforter and rush my way to the door to check. But before I was able to reach for the door knob, my door clashed open-the bright light burned the living daylight in my eyes and was covered with the woman standing at my door on her cheerleading uniform all prepared for school. My sister, Lilith.

I stomped back to my bed and questioned, "Why do you always come to my room just to wake me up? You know that I can already take care of myself, Lily."

My sister strolled her way to my closet to get my cheerleading uniform and get some of the other stuff I need for school. When she was done she tossed to me my uniform which landed on my leg. She switched on my damned light and clapped her hands. The light burned my eyes, it is too bright. "Get up sleeping beauty. We have cheerleading practice in the morning."

I took a peek back at my sister-who is standing with her hands on her hips. I buried my head back on my bed and grabbed my pillow-tossing it to her. "Go to school on your own, Lily. You know the sequence, it would not be a problem. I am still sleepy."

Lilith wrapped her fingers around my ankle and dragged me out of the bed, "Come on, Roxy. The squad needs you."

I turned to look at her pouting face and growled, "Lily." Can't she do what she's told?

"Roxy." She pleaded, looking at her brown eyes it looked like she was going to cry-fake cry. It was just her overreacting.


She batted her eyebrows, "I'll buy you a big box of pizza if you get out of this damned bed."

I rolled my eyes. Pizza, right. I can just buy that myself or my boyfriend could buy it for me. Knowing her, she just says that to make me do whatever she says.

She turned by the door, "Suit yourself." When she was finally by the door she turned to me and showed me a face like she remembered something, "Isn't it you and your Lukiebear's anniversary today? It must be a shame if his girlfriend did not even bother to come since he prepared something for you." She placed a hand on her mouth, "Oh, my. I think I just spoiled that."

I got up from my bed and did my death glare at her, right now she's smiling, "You savage little bitch!" I got up to chase her but she finally made it out of my room and close the door.

Once she's out I rolled my eyes, "Great, I'm up and wide awake." I made my way to the shower to prepare myself for school.


Everyone moves aside as I walk through the halls of Scarsdale High. That's right, bitches. Give way to the Queen. I stopped by my locker to get my things, but then I was surprised by my gorgeous boyfriend who hugged me from behind. "Hey, babe. Happy Anniversary." His breath tickled my neck, I bent my head and giggled as I turned to Luke.

I smiled looking at his contagious smile to his messy curled hair that I just want to run my fingers across. Slowly, I found myself gazing at his perfect brown eyes that anyone can get lost in. I know that for some, brown eyes are just plain and boring and simple but falling in love with someone who has brown eyes, you can see its simple perfection. Specially under the sun when it looks like golden fireworks in their irises.I really am lucky to have him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "Happy Anniversary, babe." I untangled my arms from him and grabbed my things for the next class. I closed the locker and we traipsed the halls, he wrapped his arm around me. I looked up at him, "So, where are we going later?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise." His grin send me melting, looking at it just brightened my day. Once the bell rang, I pouted, I just want to stay in his strong arms forever.

"Ughh, Physics. I just hate that subject."

"It's just one hour, you'll get it through." Luke kissed me on the forehead, "Meet me by the parking lot after practice later, okay? Love you, babe."

"Yeah. Love you too, babe." I smiled. In that moment we just stared at each other, we did not care of what everyone would say. We are just two teenagers who are madly in love. But then, we were disrupted by Luke's best friend, Xavier. "Ughh, Xavier. Really?

Xavier grinned, and put his arm right around Luke's and pat his shoulders, "Well, sorry to cut your lovey dovey moment with this fellow right here. But we're gonna be late for class. You can do all that later, whenever. From now, goodbye and we have to go."

How dare he? He can't just barge in ruining our moment. No wonder no one dates him until now, good for him. I've never payed attention to him before, to be honest Luke's the only one I've actually noticed among all the guys from my school. Now I know why... Luke's just perfect and him? Well, let's just say that he has this dirty blonde hair that I really want to run my fingers through as I slowly grab a clump to brutally pull out and green eyes that makes me have the urge to stab it a hundred times until it turns into a liquid,mushy substance that slowly flows down along with his fresh blood. God, I need to look away before I actually get arrested for murder.

Right before I would sass him with all my sassy powers, or maybe murder him, he and Luke walked their way to their classroom, leaving me alone. Great, I might as well do that later. I made my way to my Physics class and try to survive one hour of agony. Why would there even be physics class so early in the morning?

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