Chapter 6

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I was zoning out while Caitlyn was talking to me about something I couldn't understand. I was too focused about what I heard back at the girls comfort room-- about what Jane and Sophie said.

     Suddenly, an annoying voice called my attention, "Well, if it isn't the nerdy Davis. I thought you would have been in the library with Caitlyn." Zion.

     I growled and did not bother to turn to the jerk behind me, "What do you want, Jennison?" I turned to look at my wide eyed best friend, and I jerked my chin towards the other side of the Library, telling her to go away. She hesitated, at first. But she obeyed anyway. Once Caitlyn was in a respectable distance from me, Zion starts to open that pathetic mouth of his.

     He leaned on the bookshelf and grab the book on my hands. I rolled my eyes and turn to meet his good for nothing face as he mused, "I don't see why anyone would even try to be friends with you. Caitlyn actually has the chance to be in the popular crowd but I guess, eventually, she would get sick of hanging out with you. You may be one of the Davis sisters, but unlike them, you don't have the guts and the looks to be popular."

     He looked at me up and down in disgust as he spat, "I mean look at you, your sisters can't even tolerate your presence."

     That hit it. I try not to bring out my anger. If I wasn't so nice I would have cancelled my tutor with him. Maybe that's what he is trying to do, he's bugging me so that I would end everything. If only it was that easy. It seems that my pride took over my annoyance, I would not let him win. I looked up at his gaze and smiled sheepishly as I replied coolly, "Why won't you look at yourself first? You may never know, maybe your family can't tolerate your presence." I leaned closer and whispered, "I mean, what would your father say if he finds out about all the mess you've made? I heard that he is a very strict man. Hope that's true."

     I turned around and I noticed everyone's eyes were on us and they whispered some things that may not be even worth my time.

     "Don't you ever comment about my father or my family," He retorted, "What do you know about them anyway?"

     I looked over my shoulder, "My sisters tell me everything about you guys. If they could not tolerate my presence, they wouldn't have told me everything."

     Before Zion would start blabbering once again, I said, "If you would be so kind, this is a library. If you're just here to insult me then do it outside. I'll see you at lunch." I called Caitlyn as we made our way for the exit.


     I arrived home and greet my parents as I walked my way to my room. But by the time I took sight of Roxy's black door, I remembered the conversation of Jane and Sophie. I rushed to Roxy's door and knocked. Beyond that door were laughing voices of my sisters, they were probably making fun of someone again. Lilith was the one who opened the door.

     "What do you want, Auds?" Lilith asked, while Roxy raised her eyebrows from behind.

     "Did Jane and Sophie invite you to a party?"

     "Yes, we were. How'd you know?" Lilith replied, she widened the door for Roxy to see me.

     Roxy stood up from the bed and stood beside Lilith, "Why? Are you jealous?" She snorted, "I can't believe that whore apologized to me a while back. Maybe she needs me for Jane's party tomorrow. She is just so desperate. You should have shot that, Lily."

     Lilith shrugged, "It didn't come to me."

     I rolled my eyes in ridicule and said, "I heard them talking in the girls comfort room, and they were planning on drugging Roxy's drink."

     "Whatever, Audrey." Roxy drawled, "You're just saying that because you're not invited." She pointed her finger to my face as her voice darkened. She raised her eyebrows and sighed, trying not to bring out her annoyance towards me, "Anyway I'm gonna get dinner." She says as she walk away

     I turned to Lily, hoping that she would listen as I begged, "Lily, please. You have to believe me."

     Lily frowned and nodded her head in disbelief as she leaves the room.

     My mouth gaped open in disbelief. I'm trying to save their lives here and they won't listen to me! My hands curled into fists. If choose to ignore me and continue to be fools, fine by me.


     We had a quiet dinner, not until big brother came knocking on our door and enter the house. Everyone stood from their seats and welcome the dark brown haired college sophomore. He was kind of buffed, but the muscles he built from workout made him more muscular. He has this typical bad boy image, with all those tattoos and piercings. But he doesn't seem to be that bad at all, mom and dad never really have a problem with Jacob not unless he messes up his degree of Computer Engineering at Rose Hill University. He almost lost his acceptance in that University, just five wrong answers on that entrance exam would send him to a low, provincial university.

     Everyone sends him the love, oh how much we miss him. He was mom and dad's favorite—besides Auds. And Jacob took favor of Auds, too. He made her his Queen and protects her from me and Lilith. As soon as brother saw Auds from behind, he approached her and wrapped and arm around her as he rejoiced, "And why is my little sister standing here at the corner? Do you not miss your very gorgeous brother?"

     Audrey punched his arm, "Gorgeous, all right. But he still smokes his way to catch Lung Cancer."

     Jacob chucked and pinched Auds cheeks, "Smart as ever, Audrey. Keep it up." He turned to look at all of us, "Let's eat."


     Throughout the whole dinner, Jacob only kept his attention to Audrey. Mom and Dad were proud to say that she won the science fair. She always does, anyway. And as for me and Lilith? Only a simple "How's school going?" was all he asked. Mom and Dad did not even acknowledge us for winning nationals last month. Much for putting some effort to get their attention.

     Then right after asking things about Audrey's well-being, he tells me and Lilith to be like Audrey—all goody two shoes and a smart ass. If only they stop comparing, it's irritating.

     It's always Audrey. We're always living in the "Audrey show."

      Finally irritated of sending their love and attention to Auds and Jacob, I stood up from my chair and made my way to my room.

     Jacob called, "Don't go yet, Roxy. We need to play some board games after dinner."

     I turned to my brother and sighed as I lie, "I can't. I have to finish a project."

     And with just that, he kept quiet. He did not even bother to convince me to stay, even for  just a bit. I made my way to my room and wait for Lilith.


I was throwing Luke's basketball up at the sky while waiting for my sister. It was about five or six minutes when she entered the room.

     Lilith started, "Gosh, they would never stop blabbering about Audrey on the dinner table."

     "I know right. That's why I left the table so early, I would not want to lose myself out there."

     Lilith lay beside me and watch the ball fall and rise mid-air, "What's so special about her anyway? All she does is so tedious. While the both of us has talent." Lilith rolled her eyes, "This family is so messed up."

     "So messed up indeed." I muttered. We fell silent for a while as we hear the loud, happy voices of Mom, Dad, Auds and Jacob. They never cared or acknowledge what we do. Even a single, "We're so proud of you!" or "Keep up the good work!" would suffice the jealousy me and Lily feels about Auds. Only that.

     Sometimes I wish that I could kill myself so that I would see how they would react. So that I would see if they really care. They may have this emotional breakdown for a while, but after that, they'd forget me and go back to the "Audrey show." Great.

     Great indeed.

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