Chapter 3

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Science classes were always my favourite. I never ever had a problem with it. Exploring and discovering new things is my forte. Ever since I was a child, I just cannot help but be curious. By the time the bell rang, I groaned.

         The topic was getting interesting. Mr. Lopez explained what would happen if you mix chemicals together. I see Science as a class of Magic. In chemistry, think of it like you are doing some alchemy. You know, like the infamous Nicholas Flamel who is said to be immortal?

          We live in a world where everyone is so stoked up in reality. A world where in all seriousness, everything that used to exist—such as dragons and magic—was just a hard, forgotten and a preposterous myth. Only children points their nose on these things now, and scientists too. People underestimate them to be madmen. I wouldn't call them that, though. Because with science, we would never have the technology we have been using today.

          And someday, when I get a laboratory of my own and when I am rich enough to buy all those expensive materials, I would invent non-stop. Not until I made a mark of my own to be one of the great scientists in history like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

          I stood up to make my leave, but before I would exit, Mr. Lopez called me to come to his table. I humbly obeyed but came shocked as I saw a familiar nobody, standing beside him. The jackass, playboy overly no good basketball captain of Scarsdale Lions, Zion Jennison. And like all those cliche cheesy stories, I'm guessing that the teacher will be asking me to tutor him. Though, I'd just reject the request.

          I nodded my head in greeting of the teacher, "Mr. Lopez, what might I be in assistance?"

          Mr. Lopez fixed his glasses and cleared his throat, "Hello, Audrey. You are the top in my class and as you can see," He waved a hand towards the Captian and smirked at the sight. Zion just sent a sleepy smile in return, I rolled my eyes, "Zion needs to catch up with our classes since his team was pulled out for the tournament. And his grades are not going well, I can't just repeat all my topics because of him. The exams are coming, I need you to tutor him."

          I sighed, "I'm sorry, Sir. But I must decli-"

          "Please, you are the only one who is good at these things. The last person you tutored really excelled in class. Your old teachers tell me that you are reliable when it comes to studies and responsibilities. I would be happy to ask the others, but you were on the top of my list. Just for a few weeks, please, Audrey."

          Those pleading eyes of Mr. Lopez stare at mine. I should've just left the room while I had the time and ignore him calling me. My mistake. It's just a few weeks anyway, what harm can be done? Besides, if that Jackass did not cooperate with me then it's his loss. I raised my eyebrows, "Okay, I will tutor him. But," I raised my finger before the teacher would finally rejoice at that quick convincing, I turned to look at Zion, "if he still flunks his class then the tutoring is quits." I turned back to Mr. Lopez and send him a small smile, "Good day, Sir. I must take my leave."

          And just then, I turned and finally exit the room. What did I just do?


 I walk through the halls and make my way to the locker. And I caught sight of Caitlyn standing beside my locker, waiting for me. I have a few friends of my own, about three of them. Not like my sisters—Roxanne and Lilith—who seem to be popular and just make a mess on many things. Think of it like Zion, no future planned ahead but flirting with boys and continue to catch attention. Everyone knows me too because of them, but they see that I am way different than those two. I just hate being in the spotlight. I hate it when people look at me or talk about me.

          It was a good thing that I have my friends to keep me away from noticing. But Caitlyn, she was my childhood friend and the truest too. I don't know what I would become without her. By the time I reached her and my locker, she started, "You took so long."

          I opened my locker and place my science book inside, "Well, blame Mr. Lopez. He just told me to tutor that good for nothing Captain."

          I can sense Cailyn's eyes widen as she pushed herself off the locker, "You're tutoring Jennison?"

          I closed my locker and took a deep breath, "Yeah, what a total bummer." I turned to face her, my eyebrows narrowed as I saw her mouth open in shock.

          "Yeah, babe. What a total bummer." A familiar male voice said behind me. I turned to look at the captain and eyed him up and down, observing his features--Dark hair, caramel brown eyes, pale complexion. His body seemed to perfectly fit him, not too buffed nor too skinny. He would have passed my standards but unlike my sister, Roxie, I don't go for popular guys with a playboy reputation. I took another glimpse of his eyes but when I did, his eyes met mine. Despite his reputation, I can see loneliness and there was something else in those eyes. I just can't tell what the other thing was but I sense trouble in him and as much as I love mysteries, his story is not one I would want to unveil. Not now, not ever.

          I crossed my arms, "You were silent back at the classroom."

          He mimicked my voice as if I was a whiney little kid. What an ass. "Audrey, babe. Even I did not ask for such thing. I mean, who would want to have a tutor? Not I, of course. To end this all, let's just have you give me some of your answers in your quizzes and most especially in the exam then we're done."

         I sneered, "And why would a cowering idiot bastard ask me such request? Stop being so assuming, your face suits the garbage." Somehow I can hear Caitlyn behind me making a sound and called my attention to stop. I ignored her.

          I did not move a muscle as Zion leaned before me, a sheepish smile grew on his face, he mused, "You're feisty. I like it. As expected from the Davis sisters." He snorted, "Aspen, is the bastard. Not me. And assuming? Excuse me but it must be you. Why would I flirt with a scumbag like you?" Ohh that hit the spot.

          "Scumbag." I muttered, "You better know who the scumbag is between us. Let's see if you call me that when I hit the newspapers of being a phenomenal person in this world. Besides that, I think Aspen might be the person who can surpass you and grab your father's attention. I heard from my sisters that he was the smartest in his class. And you?" I eyed him once again up and down, "How would your father call you his son if all you do is flirt and become an idiot in class? You're the scumbag, not I."

          He did not say a word. But he was gritting his teeth at the thought. His hands were clenched to fists. This was a waste of my time, I finished, "Are you about to hit me? Go on, do it. I dare you. But if you don't, good bye. You can tell me more of your rants tomorrow."

          I turned and grabbed Caitlyn's arm. Shock was on her face. She muttered, "You know everyone will hear about this tomorrow."

          I snorted at the thought, "Yeah, sure. I think my anger will cause me not to care. What a total dickhead."

          Caitlyn and I made our way home silently, not talking about what happened in the hall. He wants a fight? Then I will give him one.

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