One Day

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Hope opened her eyes and screamed.

She have had the same nightmare as she used to.

- She were standing on the top of a mountain. Alone. A scratchy voice said 'You can't be a mother! Your child will hate you' Then it went silent. She screamed, then she always woke up.-

Sweat dripped down her forehead. She was breathing quickly. Her pulse went faster. Tears started to stream down her face.

She couldn't be a mother?


''Hey Lee'' Daniel said as he walked up beside Zoe. They were both standing, staring at the school buidling.

''We made it'' He suddenly said and laid his arms around her shoulders.

''4 years of high school. And it's all ending in 2 weeks'' Zoe said smiling.

''We actually made it'' Daniel repeated as he saw Callie walking into the school.

''See you later'' Daniel said walking towards the school's front doors.

''Bye love dork'' Zoe chuckled.


''We're ending high school in two weeks'' Daniel said and kissed Callie on the cheek.

''So much have changed'' Callie mumbled.

Last year she and Hope were forever alone and just had each other.

Now she was married and pregnant.

And Callie were having the time of her life, atleast for now.

''Change is good'' Daniel said as he took her hand.

''Yeah, I supose it is'' She smiled.


''Haven't you told Chad about you being pregnant yet?'' Callie asked suprised.

''I have known for 5 days now. And I am not the father!'' Callie continued.

''I know. But I am not sure what he'll say. What if he breaks up with me?'' Hope said biting her finger nails.

''Damn it Hope! You two are married for god sake.....'' Callie laughed.

''Nothing can make him leave you'' She said comforting her.

''Thank you. Have I told you that you're my best friend lately?'' Hope said.

''Probably. But I am glad to hear it'' She chuckled and hugged Hope.

''I will tell him, I promise'' She mumbled.


''I made it!'' Daniel came running towards Callie in the library.

''Schhh!'' The librarian said quickly. No one could make a sound in here without her notice it.

''Thank you'' He said smiling like a dork as he kissed her.

The librarian looked at him but decided to let him speak.

''For what?'' She asked confused as they ended their kiss.

''For helping me graduate!'' He yelled.

''Mr. White. Stop talking so loudly'' The librarian said as she walked out from the library.

''Oh my god! You did it'' She stood up and kissed him. It felt good kissing him. She loved the taste of his soft lips.

''I couldn't have done it without you'' He whispered in her ear.


Zoe checked her phone, again. Adam hadn't called her back in 2 days.

Maybe they were over?

He only was her distraction to get over Daniel anyways.

A pair of hands laid down on her shoulders. She jumped as she made a little sound.

''I'm sorry that I scared you'' Hope said.

''It's fine...'' Zoe said not really giving attention to Hope.

''What's wrong?'' Hope asked and sat down besides her.

''I think I lost my distraction'' She sighed.

''Anyone special?'' Hope asked leaning forward.

''I don't know. Atleast the sex was great.....'' Zoe chuckled

''I think you know him. His name's Adam and he's quite older than us'' Zoe said.

''Did you just say Adam?'' Hope said.

Zoe nodded.

''My brother Adam? Blond? Wearing leather jacket all the time? Celebrity smile that somehow everyone falls for?'' Hope stopped talking and took a deep breath.

''Is Adam your brother?!'' Zoe shouted.

''Excuse me'' She said and stood up.

Zoe and her brother had been having an affair? Without Hope knowing about it.

''Zoe! Don't go'' Hope yelled too late. Zoe was already gone.


Zoe walked fast. The fastest she could with these high heels.

She had been sleeping with Hope's brother. Without knowing that he was her brother thought, but it still felt wrong.

Suddenly she bumped into Daniel and they both fell down on the floor.

''What's the rush Lee?'' he chuckled.

''Nothing'' She stood up and ran away towards the doors.


''Dad'' Daniel said and walked into his fathers office.

''What is it Daniel? I'm busy'' He snatched back at him.

''I just wanted to tell you that I'm not failing math anymore. I made it'' He said as he stretched his back.

His dad didn't even raise his eyes from the papers. He just nodded.

''Liam was always better than you when he was in high school. You probably wont even get into collage son'' He said, not showing any emotions at all.

Just judging Daniel, comparing him to his older brother that had staright A's went to the best collage and had become a famour lawyer.

Daniel angrily put down his papers at his fathers desk and walked out from the office.


Hope took a deep breath and walked towards Chad's house. His house were white and in a normal size (Not like the rich kids Daniel and Zoe's)

She slowly knocked on the front door. It was silence for a moment, then she heard footsteps walking towards the door.

''Hope'' Chad said as he opened the door.

He looked so innocent and sweet. Could she really destroy his future?

Tell him that everything he ever dreamt about was gone.

''I'm pregnant Chad. We're pregnant'' She bursted out and tears started to stream down her face.

Chad's face went pale. His mouth was wide open. He stammered, trying to get out a word.

''Are you going to say something?'' Hope said reaching out to tutch his face.

Hope started to cry even more.

Why didn't he tell her that everything would be okey and that he loved her?

He still didn't say something he just hugged her, thight. Breathing in the smell of her hair and kissing her forehead.






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