Sad Serenade

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"Laura where are you?!" Zoe yelled at Laura on the phone.

It was 'try out day' Zoe and Laura were suppose to find new cheerleaders.

"I'm at the mall looking for a dress for your party tonight"

"Okey. But HURRY! And by the way do not pick a pink dress because I'm wearing that" Zoe said and ended the call.

"Let's start with the try outs!" Zoe said and about 50 people ran into the gym with thight clothes and pom-poms.


Callie closed her locker. Then she turned around and saw Daniel walking over to her.

"Are you coming to Zoe's party tonight?" He asked.

"No. I never get invited, and can you please move out of my way? I'll be late for class" Callie said and walked away.

"I invite you, because I want you there" He said while running after Callie.

"Too bad" She said, continued walking.

"I hope to see you tonight then Callie!" He screamed after her.


"Oh my god. Did Daniel White invite you to Zoe's party?" Hope whispered.

"Yes and I don't know why" Callie responded.

"Are you going? And more important, are you taking me there?" Hope asked happily.

"Be quiet Miss Chase" Their teacher said.

Callie didn't answer.

"Please Callie!" Hope said a bit too loud.

"Miss Chase! Detention 2pm sharp. No excuses" Their teacher said before she continued with the class.

--------------after school--------------

"Do you think I look hot in this?" Zoe said and twirled around in her pink fluffy little dress.

"Yes of course" Laura said happily.

Zoe looked around in her closet and took a pair of black heels.

"What about these?" She said and held them in front of Laura's face.

"They're gorgeous! You and Daniel will totally hook up tonight Zoe!" Laura said and smiled.


There were only 3 people in detention. No one wanted to be here at this day because the whole school were preparing for Zoe's party.

"Is it your first detention?" Hope turned around and saw Chad talking to her.

"Is it that obvious?" Hope asked.

"Kind off. You are working with your english project when the teacher isn't here" Chad said and smiled.

Hope started to laugh out loud and hid her face in her books.

"You have a pretty laugh" Chad said suddenly and Hope looked up.

"Thanks" She said and smiled.

"Are you going to the big party tonight? Maybe we could..."

Before Chad finished the bell rang and Hope ran out of the room in panic.


"OMG Zoe! The whole school is basically here. Excuse me but I'm gonna go and mingle" Laura said and disepeard in the crowd.

Zoe started to look if she could find Daniel.

"Daniel" She said and smiled sexy.

He turned around and saw Zoe with beautiful ginger curls, red lipstick, black heels and a fluffy pink short dress.

"Wow, you look hot Sassy Lee" He responded.

"I know" She said and twirled in front of Daniel.

"Let's get you something to drink" Zoe said and walked away with him behind.


Hope and Callie walked into the big house. Zoe's parents were very rich and she always got to have the most expensive cars and clothes.

"I need to find Chad. I kinda walked away from him on detention today" Hope said and walked away.

"Hope wait!" Callie said and walked after her, but she was gone in the crowd.

Callie walked over to the beer table.

"What are you doing here brunette cheap girl?" Zoe said angrily.

"I invited her! Right pretty?" A drunk Daniel answered.

Callie took her bear and poured it over Daniel.

"Have a nice night!" She said and walked towards the door.


"Hope! You made it!" Chad yelled from the couch.

Hope sat down besides him.

"Have you been drinking Chad?" Hope asked.

"Maybe" He chuckled.

"I should take you home" Hope said.

"No! I don't wanna go, I love this couch. I wanna marry this couch!" Chad yelled before passing out on Hope.

Hope tried to drag him to the door.


"Callie! Wait!" James said and placed his hand on Callie's shoulder.

She turned around and faced those crystal blue eyes.

"You look beautiful by the way" James said and smiled.

No boy had ever called her beautiful before and she was only wearing a old orange t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Thank you James" She said while playing nervously with her hair.

"Can I walk you home?" He said.

"Sure" Callie answered and they both walked out of Zoe's house together.


Zoe came out of the bathroom and saw Daniel standing in the middle of her room.

"Zoe? Can I have....." Daniel said even more drunk than before.

Zoe walked towards him.

"Me?" She asked.

"Mmmmm" He said and kissed her.

She quickly pushed his muscular body to the bed.




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