Like A Champion

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"Schhh! Be quiet" Hope whispered as she held Chad's hand walking slowly down the stairs.

"Hope! You're finally awake. Are you feeling better? The bus to the museum goes from the school..." Anna suddenly stopped talking and suprised watched her daughter and a boy at the stairs.

"And why are Chad here, Hope?" Anna asked while standing in their way so they couldn't move.

"Ehh. I can explain" Hope said and smiled weird.


"Hope Chase?" Their teacher said while walking through the bus counting the students.

"She's coming soon" Callie said.

Callie looked out the window and saw Hope and Chad coming running towards the bus.

"I'm here now!" Hope said breathless.

"Me too Mrs West" Chad said and sat down besides Daniel.

"Now everyone's here! Start driving!" Mrs West yelled and the bus driver started the engine.


"Why were you coming with Chad?" Callie asked.

"It's a long story but he kind off sleeped at my house.. again" She said while blushing.

"Did you do it?" Callie looked seriously at Hope.

"No. I promise. He kissed me and then we just talked all night and fell asleep" Hope said.

"Really?" Callie chuckled.

"I don't know why it's so hard to believe. Anna didn't believe it either, that's why I was late" Hope explained.


The bus finally arrived at the museum. The museum were a big white house that used to be a castle in the 1800th century and it had the biggest and the most beautiful garden in the state.

"First we're going to have a tour around the palace, then we'll have two hours of free time which you can do what ever you want except leave the museum garden" Mrs West explained and waved out every student from the bus.

"Follow me students!" A little lady with red hair waved with a white flag and started to walk.


Callie walked around in the garden, she were supose to meet with Hope here at 2pm.

"Hey Callie" James said holding a white rose in his hand.

His eyes were deep blue. Callie could drown in them if she kept looking.

"Look James. I really don't feel like talking to you" Callie said and sat down on the bench.

"Callie. I don't even know who kissed me! You haft to believe me!" James yelled.

"I don't know James" Callie stood up and started to walk away.

"Callie! I really like you. You are honest, beautiful, lovely and the most amazing girl I have ever met!" James screamed and Callie turned around to face him.

"And I want the whole world to know!" He continued.

Callie kept quiet. Suddenly Daniel came running out from the bushes.

"What's going on here?" Daniel asked an stepped infront of James.

Callie didn't answer, she just started to run away from the boys.


Hope's phone buzzed. It was a text from Callie: 'Where are you?'

She quickly replied: 'OMG I totally forgot. I'm coming ASAP'

"I need to go" She said.

"Don't leave, please?" Chad said and pulled Hope closer to him. He looked at her with his best puppy eyes version.

"Callie is waiting for me" Hope answered and kissed his lips.

"Okey. I'll let you go. I am going to meet Daniel anyways" He smiled and ended their hug.

"See you later" Hope walked away through the flowers.


Zoe and the squad were walking around in the palace wanting to go home again.

"It would have been so cool to live here!" Laura bursted out.

"Maybe if it was a little bit more modern" Zoe said and winked.

Suddenly Laura took a hold on Zoe's arm and dragged her in behind a statue.

"What the hell Lau!" Zoe yelled.

"I saw Daniel and Chad" Laura explained.

"And?" Zoe said.

"I just thought that you didn't want to stumble in to his arms" Laura said a little embaressed.

Suddenly the museum alarm started to shout.

"What have happend?" Zoe looked bahind the statue and saw Chad and Daniel running from a broken vase.

"Oh my god!" Laura shouted.

"They look really great running" She continued and Zoe gave her a weird look before she started to laugh.


"Run! Daniel run!" Chad yelled.

They both ran out from the palace and towards the garden were they could hide much more easily.

"You're too slow dude!" Daniel shouted at Chad.

They both turned their heads and saw the guards running towards them.

"Take left here!" Daniel screamed.

"Are you crazy?!" Chad screamed back at him.

"Probably. But it's the only thing to do!" Daniel said and dove in to the water.

Chad looked back and saw the guards coming closer.

"Wait for me!" He said and jumped after him in to the water.

They both hid under the bridge. The guards ran over the bridge and continued towards the garden.

"We made it!" Daniel yelled happily and they both did a high five.


"This day have been really fun Hope" Callie said while walking over the bridge with Hope.

"I agree" Hope said and linked their arms.

"Pssst! Hope!" A sound came from under the bridge.

They both jumped scared and looked under the bridge.

"Chad? Daniel?" They both said.

"Why are you in the water and under the bridge?" Hope asked.

"Ehh. We are kind off wanted around here, because we accidently broke a vase'" Chad chuckled.

"So that's what the guards were running after" Callie laughed.

"They're long gone by now. I think it's okey to come out from hiding" Hope said.

Chad and Daniel walked out from under the bridge and joined the girls walking back to the bus.





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