Pretty Brown Eyes

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"Where am I?" James said as he opened his eyes.

"You're at the hospital. You might have a concussion" The nurse said slowly.

"Who are you?" He asked while he tried to sit up.

"Lay down. You need to rest" She said and took up some papers.

"But where's my friends...?" James said before throwing up.


"James isn't coming back to school until next week" Callie nagged.

"A week goes by fast" Hope said trying to cheer her up.

"I know Daniel did this on purpose" Callie said annoyed.

"Why not comfront him about it? I don't think he can lie to his ONE AND TRUE LOOOVE" Hope said sarcastic.

"Stop it!" Callie laughed and hit Hope's shoulder.

"I'm just telling the truth" Hope said and hit Callie back.


"Zoe! Zoe! Zoe!" The squad screamed in chorus while Zoe was standing on the top of the cheerleading pyramid.

Zoe felt like she had it all, standing on top of the world and hearing everyone scream her name. She made a flip down to the floor and bowed.

"That's a wrap guys! Great practise today" Zoe said and walked over to her bag. She saw Daniel standing on the bleachers. She waved and he smiled at her. Maybe she could have a chance with him, a second chance? Olivia and Rosie walked over to her and broke the silence.

"Where's Laura?" They both asked.

"I have no idea. Maybe she's just skipping school" Zoe said and walked away to the locker room.


"Did you see who shot you Mr Scott?" The police officer asked.

"I only saw a shadow" Chad answered nervous.

"It's very important that you tell us the truth" The officer said and walked out from the room.

Chad did not like the police station, his older brother had been here too many times before and Chad always waited for him in a room like this.


"Daniel. I need to talk to you" Callie said as she walked over to him.

"Wanna make out with me finally?" Daniel chuckled and noticed that Callie didn't laugh.

"Sorry" He said and followed her.

"Did you hurt James on purpose? Tell me the truth Daniel" Callie said seriously.

"Why would I hurt him? It's not like I need to kill him to have some time alone with you" Daniel laughed and leaned against the lockers.

"I am serious Daniel! James got a concussion because of you" Callie yelled.

"Calm down. I did not hurt him" He said while looking deep into Callie's pretty brown eyes.

"I promise you" Daniel said and for some strange reason Callie suddenly believed him.

"I think I believe you" She said still standing close to him. She quickly walked in the other direction away from Daniel.


"James!" Callie ran over to his bed and hugged him.

"Ouch!" He said painfully.

"Oh I'm sorry" Callie quickly said and stepped back.

"It's.... Fine" James said as he opened his eyes and gave her a smile. He tried to sit up but he felt weak.

"How are you feeling?" Callie said calm.

"That's the only question I have received all day" He chuckled.

"But I am fine. Just a broken rib and a small concussion" He continued.

"This will make you feel better" She said and gently kissed his lips.

Withouth knowing what to say James kept quiet for a moment. Then one of the nurses came in and broke the awkward silence between them.

"Maybe I should go" Callie took her bag and walked out from the room.


"Are you in love with him?" Hope asked.

"I am confused at the moment and the only thing I'm sure about is my feelings for James" Callie said and sat down on Hope's bed.

"You can tell him how you feel when he comes back to school. Then you'll have some time to think" Hope said and hugged Callie.

"What if he doesn't like me back?" Callie said frustrated.

"He said he only wanted YOU. Why would that have changed now?" Hope said still hugging her.

"Maybe he have changed his mind?" Callie said as she laid down on the sheets.


"Sir. We have someone here that confessed to the attempted murder of Chad Scott" A police officer said as he came into the room.

"Bring in the person!" The interrogator said as he turned around his chair.

The police came in with a person behind him, at first the interrogator didn't see anything. Then a girl came up behind the officer. A small black haired girl, she looked like she went to high school.

"I shot Chad Scott" She said.




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