Sticks And Stones

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"Thanks for letting me sleep here" Callie said and yawned.

"But you still haft to go to school Callie" Hope said and threw a pillow on her.

"Why do I haft to?" Callie whined still laying in bed.

"You need to make it through high school. With or without boys C Johnson" Hope responded as she pushed Callie out of her bed.

"Fine. I'll get dressed" Callie said and rose from the floor.

"Thank you" Hope said and went down the stairs.


"Why did I haft to come here again?" Callie asked Hope as they walked through the hallway.

"Because boys are not supose to ruin your life Callie" Hope said and linked their arms.

"There he is!" Callie hissed and turned around trying to avoid Daniel.

"Come back!" Hope yelled and walked after her.

"I think I'm going home. There's too many people in here that I can't bump into" Callie said while she walked to the door.

"Nice outfit loser! Sweatpants is so not cool" Some cheerleaders said and laughed at Callie.


"You bastard!" Hope yelled at James.

"What have I done now?" James asked.

"Callie isn't in school because of YOU and DANIEL! She used to enyoj school, or maybe not.... But I do and I am lonely without her here" Hope continued.

"I don't get why she's so mad at me. Zoe kissed ME and I had never talked to her before" James explained.

"You'll haft to tell Callie that. I'm not your messenger" Hope said and walked away.


"Are you still mad at me Lee?" Daniel said as he sat down besides Zoe.

"Are you finally talking to me because Callie turned you down?" Zoe asked and continued eating her lunch.

"You're my friend Lee. You and your squad and me and my team against the world, right?" Daniel said and pushed Zoe friendly.

"I guess" Zoe said and faked a smile.

She was so in love with this one boy that didn't love her back. She could get anyone but him.


"Callie! I know you're there! Your mother told me that you would be here!" James said while throwing stones at Callie's window.

Callie did not want to talk to him. Last time they spoke he told her that he liked her alot and she just walked away from him. But she did like him too, so what was the problem?

"Please come out! We can talk, or have ice cream?" James sat down on the grass and waited.

After a few moments Callie walked to the window and opened it. And a messy haired head showed.

"I'll be down there in a few seconds and ice cream sounds perfect" She smiled at James.

"I'll wait for you as long as it takes" James jumped up and smiled even bigger, maybe Callie finally would forgive him.


"Where's your friend.... Carrie?" Laura asked Hope.

"Callie! And she's sick" Hope responded irritably.

"Sick of boys?" Laura asked and laughed.

"Atleast she has boys who likes her" Hope whispered.

"What did you say?" Laura turned around quickly.

"Nothing" Hope said.

"For your sake. I hope you didn't say what I heard" Laura said and walked away with her squad hanging after.


"I can't believe we have the same favorite flavour" Callie laughed.

"I have always loved blueberry chocolate ship" James said and took Callie's hand.

Callie looked up at him for a moment. She really liked this boy and he liked her too. That's every girls dream, to want someone that wants them back.

"I like you too" Callie whispered.

"What?" James looked suprised at her.

"You said you liked me yesterday. I just responded, a little bit late" She said and laughed.

"Did I? Oh well, I tell sooo many girls that everyday" He said sarcastic and laughed.

"Shut up Tantalos!" She yelled and pushed him.

James took a hold on her arm and they both fell down on the grass. Callie looked angry at James as they both started to laugh.


"Hi Chad. I'm on my way to the diner now" Hope said to Chad on the phone.

"Hi babe. I'll be there in ten minutes" Chad said and hung up.

Hope had never liked to walk alone in the dark. Callie always walked with her. She kept on walking wishing that Callie would run to her. Suddenly she heard a noise from the other side of the road.

"Who's there?!" Hope yelled scared.

She turned around and saw a shadow.

"I'm gonna call 911" Hope tried to scare the shadow.

She heard a gun shot and ran. She was almost at the diner where her hot boyfriend was waiting, she would be safe there. She searched her pockets for her phone, it wasn't there. She must have dropped it at the sidewalk. She heard a loud painful scream behind her, it sounded like. Chad.





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