Me Without You

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"I shot Chad Scott" the girl said.

The interrogator watched her head to toe. Could this small and pretty looking girl really have done anything like that?

"Who are you?" The interrogator asked.

"I am Laura. Laura Porter" Laura said and sat down on the chair.


"What are we doing here in the park?" Hope said and looked at Chad.

"It's a suprise" He said and they both walked over the hill.

On the other side there were a small lake where they used to swim as kids.

"Are we going to swim?" She asked confused.

"If that's what you want" Chad said and kissed her passionatly.

"I'd love to swim" Hope said and ran down to the water. She took of her clothes and jumped in. Chad just stood there and watched her. Suddenly something broke the silence.

"Are you coming?" Hope yelled.

He ran into the water with his clothes on the beach. They both started to splash on each other and laugh. He loved her laugh. He loved her.

"I love you" He suddenly said and Hope smiled widely.

"I love you too" She said and they started to kiss.

"I wanna be with you forever" Hope said as they ended the kiss to breath.

Chad wanted to be with her forever too he thought.

"Hope Elizabeth Chase, will you marry me?" He said and suddenly the time stood still.


Callie opened the front door and saw James standing there.

"Are you out from the hospital?" She said happily.

"Yes. They released me today, I was actually supose to stay at home but I needed to see you" James explained.

"We ended things kind of weird" He continued as he took a step closer to Callie. His eyes were so blue, Callie couldn't get out a word. His eyes were so distracting.

"The kiss" Callie finally whispered and James nodded.

"I didn't mean to...." She said and before finishing the sentance James took a step closer and kissed her. His lips tasted great. Callie's hands moved up to his neck while they kept kissing.


"What did you just say?" Hope finally said and looked at him.

Before he could react his phone started to ring. He got up from the water and answered it.

He looked concerned and angry. Hope didn't know what to say, maybe he hated her now?

Chad finally ended the call and walked over to Hope.

"They arrested someone for my case" Chad said and looked up at Hope.

"Did they? That's great" Hope said and leaned over to kiss him but he pushed her away.

"I need to go to the station" He said and walked away leaving Hope alone.


Daniel walked up on Callie's driveway. He had finally got her attention at school. He knocked at the front door and a woman with short curly brown hair (maybe 30?) opened the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked still not opening the door too much.

"I'm looking for Callie Johnson" He said and stretched.

"She just left, with a really sweet boy with pretty blue eyes" She said and smiled warm.

Callie was out with James? This couldn't be happening, how could Callie choose that idiot over him? He thought. His eyes were tearing up.

"Thanks for your time" He quickly said and walked out from the driveway. He threw away the flowers into the bushes and kept walking.


"Who tried to kill my son!" Chad's dad screamed at the officer.

"Wait here Mr Scott and we'll tell you everything soon" He said and walked away.

"Why do they tell us to keep coming here when we don't get any imformation!" His dad was frustrated.

Chad just sat down quietly thinking about Hope. Did she turned him down or did he just think she did? He was confused at the moment and sad.

Suddenly a officer came in with Laura. Laura Porter? From high school?

"This girl shot my son!? Hah!" His dad laughed.

"Yes I did" Laura said and smashed her hand at the table.

"Why is it so hard to believe that!" She yelled at Mr Scott.

"I want Laura in a psychiatric hospital. She had no reason to shoot your son" The police officer said.

"I did" Laura said and smiled creepy, but Chad seemed to be the only one that heard her.

"Why put her at a psychiatric hospital? I think her family should pay us ALOT of money. It's not cheap to get shot" He said still angry.

"It's the best for all of us. We will talk again later Mr Scott" the officer said and walked out of the room with Laura.


"Stop tickle me James!" Callie laughed as they layed on the grass watching the stars.

"Why should I?" He said letting go of her waist.

"I could kiss you" She said and leanded forward to his lips.

Their lips tutched and James pushed her down the slope, he rolled right behind her.

"Why did you do that?" Callie laughed while trying to get out straws from her mouth.

"Because I like you. I push every girl I like down slopes" He laughed.

"It sounds like you have liked alot of girls" She smiled.

"Actually you're the first" He stood up and walked over to Callie.

"Wanna dance?" He said as he stretched out his hand for her.

"I thought you'd never ask" She said and took his hand.

He pulled her closer and put his hands on her waist. She looked up at his beautiful face. They didn't need music to dance, it all was so magical.


Chad walked out from the small grey room. There were alot of police officers outside, dealing with all of the towns problems.

Suddenly he saw a blonde girl coming through the crowd.

It was Hope.

"Chad!" She said and jumped on him.

"I have been thinking. There's no me without you! And I wanna be with you forever" She said still holding onto his neck.

"I wanna marry you" She said and they both kissed each other.






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