Slow Down

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"Mom I need you to sign this for me! If you don't I will miss the school trip, because we haft to have parental permission" Callie said loudly when her mom got home from work.

"Calm down sweetie. I will do it, I just want to get past the doorstep first" Yoana said and walked into the house.

"Thanks mom. I'll put it on the kitchen counter" Callie said while walking to the kitchen.

"When is it?" Her mom asked and took the paper.

"It's in two days and I haft to have the papers signed for tomorrow mom" Callie whined.

"Oh, you going to the 'history and nature museum' I love that place! The big gardens and the huge palace is so beautiful" Callie's mom said while dreaming about her own years as a young pretty girl.

--------------next day--------------

Callie walked at the pavement alone, Hope was sick so she'd be staying home today so that she could maybe come to the school trip the next day. Suddenly she saw James walking on the other side of the street.

"James!" Callie screamed and ran over the street.

"Hi Callie, wanna walk together to school?" He simply asked.

"Yes. I'd love to" She said and closed her backpack.

"But you walk slow James" She added and started to run along the pavement.

"Wait for me!" James started to laugh and ran after Callie.


"Lau. At lunch, you know what to do" Zoe said while walking along the hallway.

"Yes Zoe. I'm going to get Callie and take her to the library" Laura said.

"Good. We'll bring down that bitch" Zoe said and smiled.


"Callie! Just the person I was looking for" Laura said and walked over to Callie.

"Why are you talking to me?" Callie asked.

"Silly girl! Why wouldn't I talk to you" Laura laughed and linked their arms.

"Lets go to the library. I really need homework help" Laura said and started to walk with Callie.

"Laura! I'm not Hope, she's the smart one" Callie protested.

"But you're her best friend, right? That's kind off the same thing" Laura said and kept walking with Callie.


Zoe walked through the hallway looking for James. He was studying in the library as always this time of the day. She walked in to the library and over to James table.

"Hi hottie" She said while standing behind his chair.

"And who are you?" James asked and turned around.

"I'm your dreamgirl" Zoe replied and kissed him.

Callie and Laura walked in to the library just at time. Callie quickly let go of Lauras arm and ran away. She slammed the library door.

James pulled away quickly and looked suprised at Zoe.


The doorbell rang and Hope slowly walked from the couch to the door.

She opened the door and saw Chad standing in the rain.

"Hi" He said.

"What are you doing here Chad?" Hope chuckled.

"I wanted to see you and Callie said that you were sick" Chad smiled.

"Awww. That's so sweet" She said while coughing.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Hope asked.

Chad nodded and walked in.

"You look very cold. Wait here! I'll get some towels and you can barrow one of my big brothers t-shirts" Hope said and walked up the stairs.


Callie ran out from the school crying. It was raining quite hard and she had a long run home.

"Why are you crying?" She turned around and faced Daniel. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Leave me alone!" She said and started to run again.

"Seriously Callie! What's wrong?" He took a hold of her arm and made her stop.

"I'm just so tired of boys, and you're a boy Daniel so leave me alone before I punch you" Callie said frustrated.

"I wont move" Daniel said and kissed her.

Callie slapped Daniel in the face and ran away in the rain.


"Here's the towels and the shirt!" Hope said and laid the towels and the shirt on the kitchen table.

Chad took of his shirt and Hope tried not to stare.

"What is it?" Chad asked still shirtless.

"Ehhh, I... Just. I am just..." Hope stumbled.

"Admiring the view?" Chad joked.

"Yeah, kind off" Hope said while blushing.

"Maybe I should put a shirt on then" Chad laughed and reached for the shirt on the table.

"Don't" Hope whispered thinking that Chad wasn't going to hear it.

"But what if your mom comes home? My first impression was being really waisted and I would like to be fully clothed and sober the next time I'll meet her" Chad said and laughed.

Hope looked at him.

"Well this was awkward. You were not supose to hear that" Hope said and hid her face.

Chad raised her chin with his hand, looked into her deep blue eyes and kissed her gently.




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