Chapter 36: The All So Powerful Green Ninja and McDonalds Dates

Start from the beginning

Lloyd is like me, but I am fantastic with girls. I have millions screaming to meet me. They love me. I could get any girl I want. But Lloyd can't even get a random drop dead pretty girl with flawless blond hair, who works in a bakery.

Zane looked concerned and tried to stick up for his friend. "He is too, stiff?"

When Lloyd got to his feet, still trying to act cool and deny the fact that he face planted in front of this girl, he smiled crookedly. "Ya! Heh heh sure!" He almost slipped again.

"Is that supposed to be a smile?" I gasped in amazement. Lloyd was showing a few of his teeth and his smile was crooked. It kind of looked like he was snarling.

Dominique looked a little concerned once again, and began backing away from the snarling and snorting, trying to be cool, Lloyd. "Uh, so, I guess I'll be in the bakery than." She gestures toward the bakery at the end of the mall. Then, she starts to scurry over.

Jay sighed over loudly and pretended this whole this was just the worst thing that could ever happen. You know how Jay does that. "I should give some pointers."

"Yes," Zane agreed.

"Yes," I mimicked. "Because you're SO much better, Jay!" Jay stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favor.

We focused our attention on the Green Ninja once again. He stopped the girl in green. " wanna get....water? Or coffee? Or go eat butter or something like peanuts....or stuff?"

He really, really is....I don't even know anymore. It's so embarrassing I don't even want to watch.

Dominique didn't seem to notice, and answered the mental ninja calmly. "Sure! At Starbucks?"

Jay moaned again and rolled his eyes. "Lloyd!" he scream whispered. "You don't ask about butter!" He scratched his head and sighed, before continuing to watch the scene in front of him.

Zane copied his brother and rolled his eyes.

Lloyd seemed to realize his stupid mistake, even though it didn't seem to faze Dominique. Maybe it's because she probably had millions of guys flocking around her.

She was literally that pretty.

Lloyd tried to fix his butter sentence. "Or, maybe McDonalds?"

"AT MCDONALDS?!" I exploded. "Who asks to go on a date at McDonalds?!" I defiantly would take my future girlfriend on a date somewhere super romantic and expensive to show of how much money I have.

Which is like nothing. It's all Jays.

But I'm rich in my heart.

Anyway, I must have spoke too loud. Dominique looked over my way, confused. She's probably wondering why ninjas, who are sneaking behind bushes and supposed to be quiet, are spying on her.

Why are we behind bushes? I mean, we are ninja! We should have been on the roof or in a glass of water or something. I could probably fit Jay into a glass of water. Just squeeze him in there, and stuff his arm behind his back and then-

My thoughts were interrupted as Dominique spoke. "Sure, I love McDonalds. And by the way, who is that?" And then, she swiftly pointed to me. "He looks like a twerp with his hair like that."

Woah. Woah! Woman! Not the hair!

Jay chuckled and snorted, looking like the pig he is. He nudged me, as if I didn't hear what the ugly girl said in the first place.  You know what? Maybe I should shove Jay in a glass of water.

Zane spoke up, voicing his opinion with Jay. "Oh, snap!"

Come to think of it, I will shove Zane in a bottle too. But a bottle of ketchup, so it looks like he has blood stains and he's dead.

I don't know why JAY and ZANE and COLE encouraged Lloyd, the poor innocent little boy talking to ask her out.

Nobody messes with my hair and gets away with it. I tried to smooth my hair. "I love this look!"

Then, we watched as Lloyd talked to Dominique, trying to disguise who we really are.


How was that for an awesome update? Kai is the hater.

What is one thing you want to know about me? It can be anything, as long as it's appropriate. I will answer one question on the next update!

English exam this Friday.
Someone save me


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