Chapter 16

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Today I was getting released from the hospital and I was excited. It has been torture sitting here and doing nothing I haven't been more bored in my life.

Even though I was getting out life was still hell seeing as though I had a big ass cast on my leg and cage around my abdomen.

Jessie the idiot he was left me here alone to go get the car so here I am stuck waiting for someone to remember were I am.

So far I had worked my self to an awkward side roll, leg over the bed but upper half refusing to move. I would have pressed the nurse call button but it was to far out my reach and I was considering yelling for help.

Like some old person in a Life Alert commercial, all jokes aside that is what I really needed. Grunting in determination I heaved my body to listen to my brain.

Cheering it turned quickly to screams of panic as my body got the message of roll but not of stop. Bracing for impact an arm wrapped itself around my waist gently placing me back in bed in my original start position.

The male nurse raised an eyebrow as if to ask how did that happen. Rolling my eyes I sighed wishing Jessie would hurry back.

No sooner the devil appeared cheesing as he rolled in a wheel chair.

"I brought you some clothes," he smiled unaware of the near death experience I just had.

Frowning I must have given off the look of pity as Jessie cooed at me as if I was a child.

"Aw is whittle NoNo sad he's helpless,"

"I can still kick you ass," I threatened.

"Yeah right,now hush up Daddy Jay is working."

Waiting till he bent down I hit him in the throat causing him to stubble back gasping for air.

"What the hell Noah!" He wheezed.

"Told you I'm not helpless," I smirked.

"F you man I need some water and just so you know you can get into the wheel chair yourself," he glared unlocking the wheels as he left.

Great now I was stuck in this bed like a vegetable. Not trying to relive what would have been the end of my career Jessie came back in still pissed but willing to help.

"You are so lucky I love you man," he mumbled bring the chair over before picking me up and placing me in the chair.

Staring at him wide eyed I was shocked I usually lifted more than him at the gym and for him to pick me up was freaky. Glancing at me he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know I'm built like Superman saving the hoes one arm flex after another."

"Shut up idiot and get me outta here," I laughed.

Handing my some shades and a baseball cap we "walked" well I rode out the door down the back halls of the hospital no one used due to renovations. Once we made it outside the car was parked ready to be stolen as the whole door was left open and I could see the keys still in.

"Oh shit I knew I forgot something," Jessie said sending me a slight smile.

Just staring at him he quickly got me to the car.

"If something would have happened to this car your ass would've been mine," I seethed.

Nodding in understanding I got comfortable in the back set waiting for the long ride home.

My Curly Headed Queen (BWWM)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum