Chapter 13

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Walking out of Noah's room after my rant I realized that maybe I was little hard on him. I mean he really doesn't know what's going on, but still, had this been a legitimate relationship he's ass would have been dumped.

Deciding that I was gonna take the rest of the day off, I notified Ashley one of the nurses stationed at the desk that I would be leaving. Got my stuff and high tailed it out if there.

Heading to the parking lot I heard someone yelling my name, turing around it was Jessie.


"Yes, what can I help you with?"

"Where are you going?" He asked finally reaching me.

"Home," I answered turning back around.

"Wait please," he begged.

"Jessie I have things to do," I almost whined.

"Ok fine but I need your number in case I need to contact you." He said.

Agreeing to give him my number I waved sarcastically before leaving. Once in my car I sent a quick prayer to the lord, asking him to take the wheel of life that was taking me on a crazy road trip.

Leaving the hospital I headed over to Danni's bakery. A slice of rum pound cake was calling a sister's name and who was I to deny myself this pleasure one called dessert. Spotting the building a line of people where wrapped around the street.

Parking I cut my way to the front ignoring people who kept giving me these looks. I mean I know I save lives but I can end a life just the same, people thinking we playing games. I will end you honey.

Walking behind the counter to the kitchen Danni was in Sargent mode yelling out orders while fiercely as one can ice cupcakes.

"What's going on!" I asked.

"Today we had a deal buy one cupcake you get one free if you also register to be apart of our fan club. And you got a mini cupcake for every dollar donated to the charity of the month." Georgia answered one of the many chefs in the kitchen.

Nodding I took a cupcake off a cooling rack and made my way to her office my rum cake could wait till everything died down. After twenty minutes of playing life line on my phone Danni came in covered in flour and icing.

"How was your day?" She asked laying in the couch.

"I left early to much crap happening," I shrugged.

Bug eyes she sat up, "You left?"

"Yep some stuff went down so I decided myself I need to go home,"

"Can't you get fired for that?" She asked.

"Had this been anything else yeh but since it's this particular problem no."

"Dang on a level of confidentiality how confidential is the problem."

"A solid 10." I laughed.

"Man now I really want to know," she begged.

"Trust me you don't," I sighed.

"Well apart from that are there any Dr.McDreamy's?"

" Ha I wish but I have heard that there is this one nurse that works with the OBGYN who looks like Liam Hemsworth."

"Girl you better go tap that before someone else does!" She yelled bouncing in her seat.

"I wish but work relationships never work out and I don't need no gossiping nurses talking about my business."

"Damn gossiping nurses already Vaeh it's been day one," a voice snickered walking in.

Rolling my eyes Oliver came in with his happy go lucky ass.

"Guess who got a date with a fine fireman," he sang.

"I'm guessing you,"

"You guessed correctly, yours truly is having dinner with a one Justin Trevino at Canards." He gushed.

"Alright spill how did you meet?" I asked knowing he was waiting for someone to ask.

"It was simple I accidentally set the copier at work on fire,"

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