Chapter 5

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Pulling ma out the room I turned around quickly lowering my voice. "Calm down, Noah does not have a girlfriend you didn't know about," I started off. "Before we got in the crash I was showing him a picture of this chick, Nevaeh Grammar who was just announced a doctor at St. Andrews."

"Ok but why does he believe they are together have they ever meet?" She asked.

"That's the thing they have never seen each other. So when he went rambling on about her I just agreed so we wouldn't upset him. We need to find a doctor to tell us what is going on."

Nodding in agreement I called for Dr. Brown who happened to be rounding the corner speaking to a nurse who was frantic waving her arms around. Watching her scurry away he smiled approaching us. "Yes how may I help you?"

"Well you see one of your patients Noah Ambrose woke up a couple of moments ago. I understood he would have slight memory damage from what you told us and all but he thinks he's in a relationship with one of the new doctors here who he had never met, only seen in a picture." I explained.

"Well it seems he might have a mild case of amnesia. When did he see this picture?"

"Literally a few moments before the crash,"

"Well it seems as though his brain took that last memory of his and twisted it around to where he believes he is in a relationship with another person. Usually people who have some type of mental disease or head trauma can believe they are actually married to people,in most cases celebrities. But you have nothing to fear I'm sure that with time he will come back to." He smiled.

"Yeah that's great and all but you don't understand. He wants her as his doctor now." I stated.

"Who was this doctor he assumed to have been in a relationship with?" He asked curiously.

"Nevaeh Grammar,"

A look of surprise passed his face, "Are you sure?" "One hundred percent positive," I smirked. "Well let's go talk to Mr.Ambrose maybe he might like to change his mind."

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