Chapter 11

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On the elevator ride to Dr.Hollands office I thought about all the possible reasons he would want to speak with me.

I mean the only thing I remember I did remotely unethical was kiss Noah, but let's be honest that was the best damn kiss I've had in a while.

Hearing a ding I walked to his office knocking on the door a faint come in was heard. Making my way inside I smiled trying not to seem confident.

"Hello Dr.Holland,"

"Good evening Dr.Grammar how is everything going for your first day?" He asked politely.

"Good," Confusing

"I've come familiar with a couple of my patients," by familiar you mean Noah's lips, yeah you gotten quite familiar. My sub conscious spoke, ignoring it I smiled.

"Yes speaking of one of your patients I am assigning you paid leave to take care of Mr.Ambrose," he spoke looking over some paper work.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I am assigning you to be Mr.Ambrose's nurse prier to his request." He stated.

"But I am a doctor not a nurse I didn't go to nursing school I went to medical school to be a doctor." I spoke angrily.

"With all do respect Nevaeh I really can't afford for you not o take this job, one the Ambrose family owns part of the hospital and are close with the Andrews, two it was a personal request, and three the last thing we need is to have word spread that we are putting our patients at an inconvenience."

"What about putting me into inconvenience, I mean I'm the one who has to now become someone's lap dog almost," I was pissed, that sly bastard actually called Dr.Holland.

"I'm sorry Nevaeh this is outta my hands,"

"Fine but you do know Dr. Brown has taken over my patients so if anything goes wrong don't go blaming me. "

"Alright I will note that and come one kid it can't be that bad Mr.Ambrose said you to were close and that he was comfortable with you."

"He thinks he's comfortable with me," I mumbled.


"I said he thinks he's comfortable with me, Noah had brain trauma that caused his mental state to take something fake or thought into reality. We have never met each other his friend said before the accident they were looking at pictures with so happened to be me." I rambled on explaining the situation.

"Have you told Noah this?" Dr.Holland asked.

"Of course not it would send him into some mental shock or at least that is what Brown told me. So for now everyone is going along with me being in a relationship with Noah."

"What type of relationship?"


Nodding answering his question he sighed running a hand down his face.

"Alright fine but this is really not ethical at all but if it's for the best interest of the patients I will allow it but don't go around talking about this," he warned.

"Of trust me my lips are sealed its Brown you want to speak to." Probably spread rumors to get me fired, old fart. I thought walking out the office on my way back to Noah's room so I could choke the son of a bitch.

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