Chapter 27

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"We are a painting, a messy one, the types of paintings where all the colors are blotching through the thin paper and there's those mistakes that can't go unnoticed." -My quote (if you want to use, please ask for permission and give credit. :3)


Cas' Point of View

"You like The Beatles, Cas?" Dean questioned one late Friday night in their new apartment: there was barely any furniture, a couch was the main thing they were lacking. Both males with beers in their hands, sitting on bare tiled floors in the hall across from one another, nudging their feet against each other in a teasing matter. Castiel nodded softly, allowing a smile curl along his lips. "Favorite song?"

Cas shook his hand, watching the dark liquid move in the bottle like waves crashing against rocks. "This Boy or Yesterday."

"So you like the love songs of theirs?" Dean whispered, throwing a flirtatious smirk.

Cas flushed, taking a quick sip of the beer, the liquid going down his throat smoothly.

"Let's listen to This Boy and Yesterday, my Everything...then I'll show you my favorites."

He echoed the music through the speakers, putting it on full volume not caring if the neighbors couldn't sleep at 2 in the morning.

"That boy took my love away," Castiel mouthed, staring at Dean, even though there was another boy that this song strongly reminded him of, "Though he'll regret it someday, but this boy wants you back again."

Dean got up, and sat beside his Everything, linking an arm around his shoulders.

"That boy isn't good for you," Dean sang, "Though he may want you too."

"This boy wants you back again."

Castiel stared at Dean, and saw the freckled angel turn his head to gaze at him, lips ajar and green eyes dilated. Cas linked his hand with his, letting his bottle rest against the cool tile. Dean lifted Cas palm, placing a kiss on the center of the back of his hand, on the vein that led directly to his pounding heart. The song Yesterday came on, the familiar strings and a godly voice flowing through the hallway.

Dean got Cas up, and swooped him up in a tender dance, as he whispered the lyrics in his ear, causing goosebumps to raise on his arms. And they danced in sync, through the endless songs that had them in laughing fits from the alcohol they consumed, and other tunes that had them silent, only longing stares and brief kisses to fill in.

They ended up on bed, tangled up in bare limbs, loving each other as much as they can...and Cas' memories of Lucas dissipated in the thick atmosphere.


Weeks later, Dean received a phone call, perhaps 4 in the morning. AC-DC blasted on full volume, Castiel opening his eyes to see a hunched over Dean. He gazed at him stand up, wrap a leather jacket around his shoulders and slip on shoes.

"Dean, where are you-"

"Just go to sleep." Dean said in a monotone voice, "I'll be back."

Castiel sat up, gawking at Dean in the dim light. "You can't just leave and not tell me why."

"It's nothing." He shut the door, not even looking back. Cas heard the apartment door slam shut.

Dean didn't return that night, and he wasn't back the next morning either. He called him and he answered in a daze state, throwing a slurred hello.

"Are you drunk?" Cas scowled, Dean laughed gruffly into the phone.

"Maybe...maybe not."

"It's 10 in the morning, what are you-"

"Shes' gone." Dean cried out. Castiels' breath stilled, who's she? A friend of his?


Dean took a shaking inhale, muttering how stupid his own self was. Castiel swallowed hard, feeling his head thud with a blistering ache the more seconds went on.

"Dean! Who's gone?"

"Is it my fault? Did I not care enough?"

Cas lower lip wobbled, "Tell me!"


"Dean, darling, who is that?"

Dean was sobbing uncontrollably, and Cas tightened his grip on his phone.

"The-The baby!" Dean exclaimed.

Castiel blinked...Lisa's baby is dead? A flood of thoughts rushed through his head, along with a knot tightened in his gut.

"What?" Cas gasped out, tears filling his eyes. "How? I-"

"I killed her. I killed her." Dean said sharply.

"It isn't your fault-"

"If I stayed with Lisa! If I didn't ignore her!" Dean panted, "Now she can't even look at me! She's at the hospital and she doesn't want me in!"

"Dean, come home please-"

"I can't go home...I can't have you look at me, at someone who's at the blame."

Before Cas could say a word, Dean hung up...and Cas was left staring at the window. It wasn't supposed to be like this...they were supposed to be happy and dancing endlessly after the miracle of Castiel's health...the baby had to be born, and Cas had to see the gorgeous infant the love of his life created.

But Castiel knew that is not how life works, at least not with him...a tragedy always has to ruin the happiness.

And in Castiel's mind, the death of the baby wasn't Dean's fault, instead,

it was all on him.


Hey readers!

I'm so sorry, I haven't uploaded in weeks! I went through a harsh writers block and many ideas I thought of seemed dull! Thankfully, @Supernatural_luv helped me out with the story and gave me an idea (I know I'm really messed up...I felt so bad, but this was an idea that moved the story) I want y'all to follow this reader! They're extremely supporting and great to chat to! :D

Anyways, I'll update asap and hopefully not take as long to upload!

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