Chapter 18

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"The course of true love never did run smooth." -William Shakespeare


Cas' Point of View

"I'm fine," Dean told Castiel for the third time in a row, "why do you keep asking?"

"Because you aren't acting like yourself," Cas said, grabbing ahold of Dean's palm, "did something happen at work?" Dean shook his head, "Is it about Lisa? Or about-"

"It's nothing, just stop asking already!" Dean snarled,pulling his hand away from Castiel's grip.

Cas narrowed his eyes at Dean, "You know if you're going to have this attitude when you visit me, you might as well not visit me at all."

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired."

"Just go Dean, I must bore you."

Dean looked at Cas with a shocked look over his face, he latched onto Cas' hand and held onto it tightly, "You will never bore me."

"But I'm nothing Dean,"

"You're not nothing," he said softly, rubbing Cas hand, "You're everything."

Castiel felt his stomach lurch, Dean always had a tongue that coated words with so much emotion, and what Dean just told him was one of the most significant things a human being ever told Cas.

"I'm going to call you that now," Dean stated, smiling at their linked hands.

"Call me what?"

"My everything,"

Cas pulled him by the collar of his shirt, connecting their lips together in a deep kiss, Cas couldn't help it, the way the Winchester spoke to him drive him mad.

He pulled back, smiling against Dean's lips.

"What should I call you?"

"Anything you want."

"I don't know, I kinda like koala bear."

Dean chuckled against his lips, "Anything but that,"

"I think I'll stick with Dean, or neck-kisser, or cutie."

"Maybe you should call me cowboy."

Castiel laughed, "I think I'll stick with Dean."

"Okay, whatever you want, my everything."

Dean placed small kisses all the way to Cas' favorite spots, and he let out a sharp gasp as the boy did something he never did, sucked Cas' skin.

"D-Dean," Cas stuttered, "Megan is going to ask q-questions,"

"Let her ask questions, who cares?"

Cas nodded eagerly, placing his hand on Dean's head, fingers wrapping tightly in his hair. Cas had his mouth open but no sound came out, he eyes slowly shut as Dean moved his mouth to the sensitive spot behind Cas' ear.

"Oh," Cas whispered softly, grabbing a handful of bedsheets next to him. "Dean,"

He sucked harder on his flesh, and that's when a shaky breath escaped Cas' lips.

Never Let Go||A Destiel AU FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt