Chapter 5

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"Dreams end, but, don't worry, nightmares do too." -I made this quote


Dean's Point of View

Dean didn't want to go back to the hospital, but he had to, for Lisa.

Dean wanted to take Lisa Braeden out to a restaurant for dinner. He walked down the halls of the hospital, people of all ages pacing past Dean. Little girls that couldn't be over the age of 5 wearing hospital gowns, walking with nurses. Old people who wheeled past in wheelchairs.

At the front desk was a man, not looking at Dean in the eye, only passing him a clipboard. Dean sighed, rolling his eyes at the young man.

"I'm here for Lisa Braeden, she's my girlfriend." Dean stated, the man looked up, his dark eyes skimming on Dean's.

"She's in room 458."

Dean sighed, that was Cas' room, he paced through the corridors, the distinct sound of heart monitors through closed and open doors, the shape of feet underneath the white, cheap covers, t.v on to the repetitive ad channel. It made Dean angry, to see people living in this place, he wanted to pull them off their bed and drag them outside. To Dean, staying in a hospital was like staying in prison, no one really wants to stay in their cell, they want to get out...They want to be free.

The door of Cas' room was wide open, but, the curtain was shut...Dean knitted his eyebrows at the confusing sight, Lisa told Dean that Castiel hated those curtains concealed around him, supposedly made him feel trapped. Dean stepped in, suddenly wanting to get out, the place smelled like vomit.

I must be in the wrong room, Dean thought to himself, but Lisa was there, her figure similar behind the light blue curtains, you could see that her long hair was pulled in a bun, like she did that morning. Dean wasn't in the wrong room, since the 4 still looked like a 9.

Lisa slipped out of the curtains, her eyes were glazing from tears. Before Dean could ask, she shushed him with a slim finger to her mouth, she walked outside, pulling Dean by the arm forcefully, her grip urgent and needy. She shut the door quietly, before she cried softly.

"Lisa? What's the matter?" Dean questioned. She took in a deep breath, removing her glasses when she wiped at her dark brown eyes, mascara smudging her face.

"He's having a tough day Dean. He hasn't been hungry in hours, he threw up at least 5 times, and he just looks sick," She paused, letting out a shaky exhale, "but, that's only part of the reason why I'm crying Dean...The doctor's said that there is no chance for him to get better."

Dean couldn't but feeling sorry for Castiel. Dean was shocked too, Cas was fine the day before. It was as if when Dean acted like a dick, he got worse. He felt guilty, and somehow, felt like the reason Cas was so sick, was Dean's fault.

Dean regretted what he told Cas; but, awfully, it was the truth. Dean honestly did not want to befriend a person whose life was in the hands of a doctor, because eventually, they'll just lose contact. It was that easy to Dean Winchester, considering what happened when he did have a friend who was in a hospital.

Dean didn't like to think about him, because the thoughts were to painful to keep around in his head, but sometimes he couldn't help but remembering.

Dean met a young man, around Dean's age, 16 or 17, who shared rooms with his grandfather. His name was Mark. He was a kind soul, who was in for cancer, Dean became close to Mark. They were close friends. One of Dean's best friends. And out of the blue, when Dean went to visit his grandfather and Mark, Mark's bed was empty. His granddad told him he passed that morning.

Dean went through a hard time, getting past Mark's sudden death, it created a sort of vow for Dean; to not make any friends that were in hospitals, because Dean felt like they would be gone eventually, whether if they pass away, or they just lose contact.

Dean didn't mean to befriend Castiel, it sort of just happened, and it made Dean surprised, since he always had a long time to trust someone since Mark's death. But, befriending Cas was simple.

And Dean liked easy.

But, what if Cas got worse, Dean didn't want to deal with losing another friend, even if it meant being an asshole, he couldn't deal with the pain if he did.

"Stay with him Dean, only for an hour or so, I need to have dinner with my mom." Lisa stated, Dean raised his eyebrows, Lisa said she was free tonight.


"Please Dean, my mom really wants to talk to me." Lisa begged, rubbing Dean's arm.

"But, I don't want to."

"Why? Do you have something to do?"

"No, it's just," Dean took in a sharp breath, "I just don't want to."

Lisa narrowed his eyes at Dean, "You're lying to me Dean."

"It's because I don't want a friend in a hospital!" Dean exclaimed.

"Wow Dean," Lisa spat, "Castiel is lonely, no one cares about him, his brothers are in different states, his aunt is ignoring him. I'm the only one who cares. Don't be a prick and stay with him."

Before Dean can reply, Lisa stormed off, leaving a trail of anger behind her fast steps. Dean sighed, opening the door, leaning against the door frame, he could just leave right now, turn around and go home.

But, Lisa was right, Cas is alone.

And, once, when he was younger, Dean was alone too.

Dean stepped forward, pulling back the curtains, to see Cas.

Dean was speechless. Cas lost his color, pale and sweat gleaming on his sticky skin. His blue eyes were duller then yesterday, as if their vibrant color drained out. His lips were chapped, and dark eye bags underneath his eyes. He seemed 40 instead of a boy in his 20's. Castiel didn't smile, it looked like he tried, but it turned out to be a grimace.

"I'm sorry," Dean blurted out, "for yesterday."

Cas shook his head weakly, "It's okay Dean, I'm sure having friends in a hospital is a terrible idea."

"You're wrong, I just, there's a reason why..."

"You don't have to tell me." Cas assured Dean. "In fact, why are you here?"

Dean stayed quiet, and Cas gave him a small smile.

"Lisa told you to, huh?" Cas asked. Castiel was right, but now Dean didn't want to leave, not because he felt sorry for Cas, but because, he was alone in his childhood, he felt somewhat connected to Castiel, as if they were supposed to meet each other. It was so weird, that he found a boy he only knew for a week or so, special.

"Yeah, but, on my behalf, I want to stay."

"Okay." Cas whispered. He looked so ill, sicker then Dean's grandma, and she was 50 years older then Cas. He pulled back the curtains, and Cas managed another smile. "Thank you, I hate to be around those. But, Lisa likes them."

Dean forced a smile, even though he felt like hugging the poor guy. He scooted a chair close to Cas, grabbing the Harry Potter book from the counter.

He read to Cas, and Dean expected him to fall asleep, since it was getting late, but the boy just stared at him with amusement.

Castiel was different.

And Dean liked different.


Did you all like this chapter? :3

Don't worry guys, this story will have feels, but it PROBABLY won't be a sad story, okay?

How are you all doing? I hope you guys are doing great and I'll update next Wednesday if I can. :D

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