Chapter 6

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"Freedom lit their souls." -Unknown


Cas' Point of View

Castiel was about done.

He was tired of taking meds after meds, vomiting, and not being hungry. When he did eat, he threw it up, even if it was just a bite of a sandwich.

He felt weak, but, it all somewhat disappeared when Dean was with him. Dean's voice as he read through Harry Potter was as if it rolled in honey, it was gruff but smooth, he wasn't stuttering or mispronouncing words.

It calmed Cas down, made him feel like it was mid-summer on the beach, erased the fact that he was in a hospital room, wasting time away as the only thing he does in the room is listen to Dean read and watch the same annoying ad channel.

Cas didn't have friends. He had friends throughout his school years, but every single one got somewhat bored of Cas and they lost contact. When Cas did try to make friends, they'll last for about a week or so, then they just disappear.

He wouldn't be surprised if Dean vanished after he finished reading the first Harry Potter book.

He was used to the abandoned feeling, his parents have done that, his sibling have done that, his aunt, and his friends. Eventually, everyone left Castiel.

Dean didn't leave in a week.

Dean didn't leave in two weeks.

He didn't even leave in a month.

Cas came up with the result of Lisa telling him, and it was actually true, since he overheard Lisa telling Dean to stay.

Castiel always told Dean right when he walked in through the door that he doesn't have to be with him. But, Dean just shook it off.

Cas was getting worse, everyday he felt more sick then the day before. The only thing his doctor does is give him pills.

Dean ambled in, smiling widely.

"What are you doing here? Lisa isn't going to be here for a week." Cas murmured, rolling around in his bed, since it was 9 in the morning.

"So? I wanted to come."

Cas sighed, "Why? I already know Lisa asks you to."

Dean laughed sharply as he took a seat in a chair.

"Lisa only asked me once Cas,"

"So why are you here? You have pity for the sick patient?"

Dean narrowed his green eyes at him, "Are you being serious?" Dean asked, anger picking up in his voice. "You are my fucking friend, that's why I'm here."

"You should know that no one wants to be my friend."

"Well I do; now, we are almost done with the 4th book so-"

"Dean, just go." Cas begged, somehow knowing that Dean was here because of Lisa.

"Damn it Cas!" He exclaimed, standing up, "Yes, Lisa asked me to, but, I was going to go anyway,"

Castiel stayed silent, not sure what to say, Cas knew he was being irritating, pushing Dean to his own limits, but Castiel felt it wasn't right...That he actually had someone.

"I'm sorry Dean," Cas said aplogitcally.

Dean didn't reply, the uncomfortable silence only in return.

"Let's go out." Dean broke the awkward silence. "Let's go."

"Where?" Castiel asked, feeling enough energy to do so.

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