Chapter 22

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"When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats, dance with them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts." -Kirk Diedrich

Hey readers! I hope you guys are doing great!

There is a song linked in this chapter, but I prefer for you all to play it in the specific scene it is mentioned. Through this chapter, I tell you when it's a good time to play the song.

By the way, the song is "How Deep is Your Love?" By the Bee Gees. So feel free to use Spotify or another app to hear it. :D


Cas' Point of View

Cas woke up early the next morning, an empty space beside his bed, then he saw a note against in the bundle of covers. He grabbed it with shaking fingers (he shook all the time now) and read it.

At work, I'll be back by 5 or so. My brother Sam, will come by around 1 to check on you. He has the key so please don't get up. Food, remote control, and your books are on the nightstand. Call me for anything.

Love you,


Cas smiled at the note, he would never forget last night, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up from remembering everything that happened.

He felt good yesterday, but today, he felt so lightheaded.

In fact, he felt too lightheaded, too dizzy, too sick.

Cas paled, negative thoughts entered his mind, "What if today was the day I go?" Cas mumbled to himself, biting down on his nails.

He didn't remember that the antibiotics that blocked the infection from his lungs was disconnected, left forgotten on the floor, hidden underneath Cas' thrown clothes.

Cas noticed he had new clothes on. He raised an eyebrow after examining the plain white shirt and pants....these were not his clothes.

Dean had to have dressed him, but Castiel doesn't remember.

He paled even more, could it be possible that he could get althzimers?

Or maybe he was just so sleepy he couldn't remember.

He sighed, rubbing his temples, feeling his heart beat beneath his fingertips.

A loud knock startled him from his negativity.

Someone was here.

Cas checked the clock on the nightstand, it was 11 o'clock, not close to 1, Sam has a key. So who could be at the door at this time?

Another knock, urgent and loud like the last.

Cas swung his weak body over the bed, and his legs felt like jelly, he stumbled over his clothes that scattered over the floor, his backside was sore, he leaned on the wall as his vision started to blur.

The knock seemed to get louder and more powerful, and every step he took nearly made him fall. His body was sore, from the night before and from being so close to death.

Never Let Go||A Destiel AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now