Chapter 19

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3 months later

Elizabeth started to slowly learn how to walk. She doesn't walk much but she is trying. "My baby is growing up." I said as I grabbed her hands and she slowly took a step. "Next thing you know, Elizabeth, you will say your first word." I said. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Hi." I said. She almost fell over but I caught her. "Okay. I think that is enough walking for one day." I said and picked her up.

Jack walked in without a shirt on. Jack and I had gotten our own place together. "Hi." I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me. "Hey lovey." He said and grabbed me around the waist. I giggled at him. He gently kissed me on the lips and tightened his grip.

Jack and I decided to get married two Saturdays from now at a small chapel a few miles south. There was a knock at the door. "I got it." I said as I handed Elizabeth to Jack. I went to the door and opened it. There was a woman standing there, probably in her thirties. "Hello. Can I help you?" I asked her. She seemed oddly familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it. "Savannah?" She asked me. "Yes?" I questioned. "It's me. You're mother." She said. I gasped lightly. "Mom?" I asked. "I know it's been fourteen years since I've seen you but.." I stopped her. "Don't." I said. "As much as I want to catch up with you, I have no need to." I said rather rudely.

She seemed sad. "Savannah.." Jack said and set a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine." I said. "Just take Elizabeth to another room. Please." I said quietly. He nodded and walked away. "You left me when I was three." I said. "Im so sorry Savannah. Please forgive me." She pleaded. "You left me and father all by ourselves for some stupid pirate that wasn't even worth it! I loved you when I was a child but you didn't care and didn't give it a second thought! Did you even love father?" I asked her. She exhaled deeply. "I did love your father. Very much. But I had thought I was rushing into things too fast." She said. "So you became a prostitute? That isn't rushing into things?" I asked.

She gulped. "Savannah. I am so sorry I had put you through hell. But I came to apologize." She told me. "Well you waisted your time doing that. Because I am not going to forgive you." I said. Tears pricked her eyes. "Did you know you have a granddaughter?" I said. "I do?" She asked. "Ya. But you won't be in her life. And every single time she asks if she has a grandmother on my side, I will tell her that you didn't love us enough to stick around." I said and slammed the door in her face.

I sat down on the couch and started to cry. I wasn't about to let a woman, who had left me so many years ago, back in my life. But yet I wanted to. Jack walked in without Elizabeth, so she must be taking a nap or something. "Savannah. Are ye okay?" He asked as he sat down next to me and pulled me on his lap. I shook my head no. "Everything is not okay." I said and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and held me close. "I'm sorry." He said. "Who was she?" He asked. I eventually calmed down. "She was my mother." I said and sighed. "But she left me and my many years ago for another guy. I was only three then." I said.

I sighed. "It was only me and father for the last fourteen years. And now she has the nerve to show back up." I said. Jack touched my cheek. "I'm sorry ye went through that." He whispered. I dug my cheek into his hand. "It's okay." I said. I looked up at him. "I have you though. And Elizabeth." I said. He nodded. I kissed him, gently at first. "I'll make sure ye are happy forever." He said and kissed me again.

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