Chapter two

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I finished my piano lesson. My father came in. "Miss Houston is unavailable for your violin lesson today. So you can go do whatever you want. Make acquaintances with that boy that moved in right next door." My father said. I smiled and ran over to his house. I got to the front door and knocked. I waited for awhile. The door opened to reveal Jack's dad. "Hello Miss Savannah. Are ye here for Jack?" He asked. "Yes sir. I am." I said. He smiled. "Jack. You're friend is here to see you." He called behind him. "He'll be just a moment. He was getting dressed. Why don't ye come in?" He asked. I nodded as I stepped inside.

Jack walked down the stairs and trying to straighten his clothes. "Father. I have many friends. Ye have to be more specific." Jack said, not paying one bit of attention to me. I walked to him and straightened the clothes on his body and his hat. "There. Now that wasn't so hard." I said. His eyes sparkled and a smile plastered itself on his face as he realized it was me. "I see your happy to see me." I said. 'I can't stop falling for him. He's so... Amazing.' I thought. "Come on. Let's go take a walk." I said as I pulled on his hands. He followed me like a little puppy who lost it's mother.

"I see ye skipped your violin lesson." He smiled as he interlocked his elbow with mine. "Well not exactly... It was cancelled. But I was going to skip it anyways." I said. "Savannah?" He asked as he halted to a stop. I stopped too. "Yes Jack?" I asked. "What... What do ye feel towards me?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I was just wondering... Cos, if ye had feelings for me..." He started as he started walking. "It wouldn't really work out. You see... I move a lot. I don't stay in one place for more than a mere couple of weeks.. Maybe a few months. I just feel like I would probably hurt ye. And since my dad is gettin older, I have to take over the ship. So.. I wouldn't have time to see ye." He said. My heart shattered to pieces. "I'm sorry, darlin'." He said as he placed a kiss to my cheek. "Please don't be upset." He said.

I ran back to my house with tears in my eyes. "Savannah." I heard Jack call after me. He caught back up to me, right in front of my house. "Leave me alone you... You pirate!" I yelled in his face. I ran inside and closed and locked the door.

Jack's pov

"... You pirate!" Savannah yelled in my face. She closed the front door and locked it. I do love Savannah but I don't want to hurt her. I move more than I should and I can't keep a long distance relationship. I walked up to the door and put my ear to it. I heard her quietly sobbing. "It is best you leave her alone." I heard my dad say from behind me. "But dad..." "No Jack. If she by cryin, you best leave her be." He said. I pulled away from the door. I stood up and walked to my house. I could feel a tear or two fall from my eyes onto my cheeks. 'I can't love Savannah. She is way younger than me and because of the dumbass pirate I have for a father keeps moving me and me mother.' I thought.

I ran up to my room as soon as I got home. I cried as I laid down on my bed. I shouldn't love her. I can't love her. I'm much too older and I know for a fact that I would just hurt her.

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