Chapter 11

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The next day

The boat pulled on the shores of my home town. I looked out over the deck as I was still dressed in Jack's coat, a white shirt, trousers, a pirate hat, and boots. I looked over to my right. Jack was staring at me. I picked up my suitcase and walked off the boat without saying goodbye. I knew he kept looking at me as I walked off. Once I knew I was out of his sight and mixed into the crowd, I started to get emotional. I didn't want to leave him but he insisted last night.

I got back to my house where Benjamin was sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands. "Benjamin..." I whispered. He looked up. I saw his eyes were blood shot red and his cheeks tear stained. I knelt in front of him. "Oh Ben. I'm so sorry. I made you worried about me. My poor love. Please forgive me." I placed a kiss on his lips. He pulled me close to deepen the kiss. I pulled back. "My darling. It's okay. I knew you'd come back eventually." He said. I set my head on his shoulder. "I shouldn't have left you." I said. He led me into the house and my father was pacing back and forth.

I set my suitcase down and ran to him. "Papa. I'm soo sorry. Please punish me. Send me to bed without supper. Make me clean the house. Do garden work. Anything. I left with that stupid pirate. He got to me again. I let my feelings get to me father. I'm so sorry." I said as I cried into his shoulder. "My darling daughter. It is okay. I forgive you. I know it is hard. You're going through a period of time that you're feelings are changing. And you're emotions." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled back, still partially in his arms.

Ben touched between my shoulder blades. I looked up at him. I wiggled out of my dad's arms and went to his. "Let's take a walk Savannah." Ben said. He pulled me along out the doors and onto the grass. He pulled me along by my hand and started walking. It was silent for a while, while we looked around at the people. Some looked at me like I was crazy. I looked down to see I'm still dressed in my pirate clothing. "Oh, shoot." I said as I stopped. "It's okay." Ben said.

He stood in front of me. "Savannah. I love you." He said. He knelt on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?" He asked. I didn't want to cheat on Jack but I didn't want to hurt Ben. "I... Umm... I.... How can I say no?" I said. He smiled and hugged me. He slid the ring n my finger. I looked down at it. I wanted to cry because I wanted Jack to put a ring on my finger. But I know it would probably never happen. "Let's go back to the house." He said. I slowly started to nod as he led me away to the house. I allow him to hold my hand and our fingers interlock with each other. We got back to the house and my dad was going through envelopes.

I walk to him. "This is for you from Jack." My dad said as he handed me a note. It had his name and an address from Cuba in the corner. I open it and read the note.


I'm sorry I took ye back. But ye needed to know that I am unable to take care of babies at the moment and that ye shouldn't be able on a boat while pregnant. I am in Cuba at the moment and will be back for ye after the baby is born. I'm sorry. I love ye.

Jack Sparrow

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