chapter three

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Three weeks later

I haven't heard from Jack since that day. I've been growing sadder and sadder. I looked out my window each morning just to see if he would be outside but he hasn't. I knew he usually wakes up earlier than me and he'd usually be outside right when I wake up. But not for the last three weeks. I heard a faint knock at the door. "Come in." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. My father came into my room. "Why are you sitting around the house and so sad, dear?" He asked as he sat on my bed next to me. "Oh. I just miss mother. That's all." I lied. I hated lying to my father but I didn't want to tell him that I had fallen in love with the pirate. "I miss mother too." He said. When I was 3, mother left us for some pirate. I don't really remember my mother that much. All I know of her is that she didn't love father the way he loved her and that she was some sort of prostitute. But I know I must've loved her because from that day to about a year ago, I've been having dreams of my father and I and a woman who was vaguely familiar... Like she was my mother.

I turned my head to the window but still no sign of Jack. 'Where are you Jack Sparrow?' I thought. "Why don't you go see what that Jack fellow is doing?" My father asked with a simple smile. "I haven't heard from him in a while. So I don't wish to bother him now." I said. He slightly nodded and stood up. "Well.. When you may go over there, just let me know." He said. "Will do." I smiled. He left my room and closed the door. I sat there for a few moments. 'I should write Jack a letter.' I thought. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil.


I am writing to you because we haven't talked to each other in a while. I am wondering if it is because of what happened that day. I'm terribly sorry for what I said. I just don't see you as a pirate. You are much more. You're a close friend.

I would like to invite you over for some tea. You and your family. Thursday at four p.m. I don't think father would mind of you coming for an hour. I would love to make things right again so we can be friends again.

With much love,

Savannah Daniels'

I put it in an envelope. I walked downstairs and out the door right before the post man came to the door. "Hello Miss Daniels. Got any mail for me to send?" He asked. "Yes I do indeed. Please send this note to the house right next door." I said as I handed him the note. "Thank you. And I have something for you too." He said as he handed me a note. With a tilt of his hat, he went on his way. I looked at the front of the card and saw it was addressed to me and it was from Jack. I opened it and read the note.

'My dearest Savannah,

I'm sorry for not catching ye over the last few weeks. I've been busy packing up me things. I know I've only been here for about a month but me father passed a week ago. So I have to run the family ship. I will dearly miss ye. I would love to try to get together sometime before I leave Friday night.

I want you to know you will always be in me mind. I love ye. I have since I first met ye. But I was afraid that I would hurt ye when I left for the ocean. Ye need to find someone else to love. I don't need the love ye provide for me.

Captain Jack Sparrow'

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