Chapter 6

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I woke up to a bare, tan chest. I smiled against his warm skin. I looked up at him while he slept. 'What time is it?' I thought to myself. I checked the clock on the wall. 2:15 pm. 'Maybe I should make him lunch.' I thought. I slowly got up. I put my dress on and walked downstairs. I started to make sandwiches until I felt arms wrap around me. "Hello." I said. "Hello, love." Jack said. He kissed my cheek. He let go of me and stepped next to me. I looked over at him saw that he was only in his trousers. I smiled. I finished making the sandwiches and put them on plates.

I handed him a plate. "Thank ye, love." He said and kissed me. I kissed him back. He set his plate down and pulled me into him. "I love you." I said between kisses. "I love ye too." He said. He pulled back. He grabbed his plate and started eating his sandwich. I sat down and watched him eat. I started playing with his hair. He giggled. "Are ye havin' fun there?" He laughed. I nodded. "It's all.... Knotted and different lengths." I said. He smiled. "That's just how me father used to do it." He said. I nodded. I stopped playing with it. He took my hand in his. "Would ye ever marry me?" He asked as he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. "Of course Jack. I would marry you in a heartbeat." I said as I interlocked my fingers with his. "I love you. Since we first met all those months ago. You know this Jack." I said.

He nodded. "I know love." He smiled. "I'm sorry I hurt ye though. I was a jerk. I didn't pay attention to what ye felt and only paid attention to what I felt. I didn't want ye to fall in love with some pirate like I." He said. I leaned in and kissed him. "But I'm glad I did. Because if I didn't have you, I wouldn't know what I'd do." I said. He smiled wide. "Come with me, lad. Come sail with me and the crew." He said. I nodded. "Yes Jack." I smiled. He looked me up and down. "But ye shouldn't wear dresses on the ship." He said. "Why?" I asked. "They'll get ruined. We have to buy ye some trousers and shirts." He said. "Pants? You want me to wear... Pants." I asked. "The dresses. They're perrty. Don't want to mess them up do we? We can bring them along. Only on the ship do ye need to wear trousers." He said.

I grumbled at the thought of wearing trousers. It wasn't a lady thing to do. If I left this house with trousers on, and my father saw me, what would he think? I thought. He certainly would try and kill Jack for... Maybe the third time now. "My dad will kill you if he sees me in trousers. He tried killing you because I fell for you. He tried killing you when you took me here. Why are you trying to have my dad kill you?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Beyond me." He simply said. I sighed at his answer and leaned back in my chair. "But ye should forget the father." Jack said. I glared at him. "I can't forget him. He raised me alone. He took care of me." I said.

Jack sighed. "I know, love." He said as he put his hand to my face. He set his plate in the sink. "Maybe ye should go take a shower." He said. I nodded and walked up to the bathroom. I started to take my dress off until I heard faint knocking. I opened the door but saw no one. "Hmm. Maybe at the front door." I said to myself. "I got it!" Jack yelled. "Okay." I said. I heard him open the door. I heard a male's voice that sounded familiar. "Honey." Jack called. "Ye dad's here."

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