Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

I woke early that morning, the small town of Grainsbury was expecting me to bring them the supplies my father promised them. My father, through the King's grace, had been appointed Lord over the small town and was also our doctor. Once a month he would come down and see who needed what - every other day they would have to come over to our home or send someone else if they could not withstand the journey. Every week, I would bring the people the remedies my father intended for them to take. 

One of my most frequent deliveries went to the house of my good friend Rumpelstiltskin. His son Kaige constantly held a fever and cough. When he wasn't sick, I would stay in town for him for the day after everyone got their remedies. 

Most days I was in the town anyways. My parents once told me I shouldn't, but they realized early that would never stop me. 

As I walked into their home, I could smell Rumple's famous stew. I smiled, knowing he made it when Kaige was in his best health. I was glad this would be my last stop for the day. 

"Hello, is anyone home?" I asked, smiling as I peeked at him from over his cookbook. 

He jumped and laughed with his hand over his heart. 

"Gets me every time." he smiled and set the book on the table to give me a hug. 

"Which is exactly why I do it." I said, handing him Kaige's medicine. 

He took it and set it carefully in his cupboard. "Kaige's should be on his way back. He and a few friends went to play and I just couldn't say no. Too bad you got here so soon, he was so excited to open the door for you." 

"Maybe next time." I said with a wink. 

I spent most days with them talking, laughing, and playing around. They, like most of the town, were my family and I just liked them more than most. Kaige held a special place in my heart after so many years of this. Sometimes I think my father wishes Rumple - who was only a few years older than I - will ask me to marry him. Which was probably why he let me come so often. 

Unfortunately for my father, Rumple and I never felt that way for each other. He was my best friend. Besides, he was still getting over Hellen, his wife. She died giving birth to Kaige and was a dear friend of both of us growing up. Sometimes I wonder if there was something one of could have done to save her, but that was impossible. 

I sat in my usual seat at the table as Rumple finished the stew. It smelled wonderful and, when he left to check on something outside, I sneaked a taste. It was divine. I closed my eyes as the warm liquid ran down my throat and tasted all the special spices he refused to disclose to anyone. When I heard the door open, I quickly placed the spoon back where he had left it and returned to my seat. 

I watched as he walked back over to the pot, pulled it from over the fire, and threw water to vanquish the flames. He took a short whiff and smirked. Slowly, he walked over to the pantry and took out three bowls and spoons. Within a split second, the front door burst open and Kaige came rushing in. 

"Father! Father! We had such a wonderful time! Has she made it yet?" He shouted just before a small thud indicated he had dropped his shoes by the door. 

Rumple chuckled under his breath as Kaige ran into the room, disappointment coloring his face when he saw I'd already made it. "Yes, my boy, she's here. And I'm happy you had a wonderful time playing with your friends. You don't get to do that too often, I'm afraid." 

I walked over to Rumple and put my hand on his shoulder in consolation. It was hard for him to see his son so frequently sick, especially since his wife had died even though she'd always had perfect health. Then I strolled over to the cupboard and grabbed three cups. 

"How about we have dinner?" I said, turning to face them with the funniest face I could muster. 

They both laughed and Rumple took the cups from me. "I'll take those." he said, then whispered, "And don't you think I didn't see what you did." With a wink, he took his place at the head of the table and we all sat down for a nice meal. 

By the time we had all finished it had gotten very dark out. I looked out the window and knew my mother was driving papa crazy, fretting over me being out so late. He would tell her something along the lines that I was a grown woman who could take care of myself for the short mile between them and the village. Then she would get angry and storm out of the room and take refuge in their room. Seeming to catch where my thoughts had gone, Rumple collected all the dishes. He sent Kaige to get ready for bed and I promised I would tuck the boy in. 

Once the door shut, Rumple came to my side. His smile was gentle while his eyes gave way to a torture he was hiding. Confused, I looked behind me to make sure Kaige was safely out of earshot. 

"What troubles you now, Rumple?" I asked, taking his hand. 

"It seems I have made a deal with the devil..." he started, looking out the window. "They wouldn't leave Kaige alone, and then they realized who I was. They called me traitor and have threatened that they will return for my boy. I can't loose him like I lost my wife, he's not well enough just yet to fight his war. Now I have to find the Source." 

He broke off in mournful sobs. I held him as best I could until his weight became too much and we fell into a lump on the floor. He cried into my shoulder as he did the night Hellen died. And, this time, I sobbed quietly alongside him. When it got to the point where both our throats were so sore it even hurt to breath, I pulled back a bit. 

"You don't have to do this, you know. You can take Kaige and leave...or come to my place. My parents would keep you safe." I said, desperately wanting him to stay away from that. 

"That won't save my boy." he insisted. "Even if we managed to get him away safely it doesn't mean he'll be okay. He's dying, I see a piece of him leave us every day - whether his symptoms show or not. The only way to get through this is by following what the man said." 

That was when it dawned on me. The real reason he was going wasn't to seek help, he wanted to kill the Source of Evil and take on its curse. "Rumpelstiltskin! You know magic always come with a price. If you do this, you will never be able to get out of it. This is a permanent decision that will change everything." 

More tears escaped as I looked at the door, floor, wall, anywhere but directly at him. What he was suggesting was completely mad. It would ruin not only his life, but Kaige and the entire village as well. What he was willing to do to save Kaige would risk so many lives. I was scared. Completely and entirely terrified of what would happen. 

"I-I have to. This is the only way Skylar...the only way to save my boy." His voice cracked when he said the word 'save', and it broke my heart to hear just how defeated my best friend was over his son. 

I used my hand to tilt his head back, making sure he looked me in the eyes, and nodded. "Then do what you must. I love that boy as much as you do...just try not to lose yourself. Promise me this?" 

Carefully, he reached up with both hands and held mine as tightly as possible. "I promise, my friend." He wiped my tears, which I had forgotten were there, and quietly left the house.  

After I regained control of my emotions, I went straight to Kaige's room. He was already fast asleep, with the covers all over the floor. I smiled and quickly covered him, lightly kissing his soft forehead. Then I decided to make my way home. 

The walk up the hill was longer than normal - even longer than that time when I was nine, I twisted my ankle and the Miller's son, Frederick, had to help me back home. Each step seemed to rip a small part of me away until, about halfway up the hill, I just sat down and cried again.  

I didn't know what to with myself. My closest friend was on a path to self-destruction and there was nothing left that I could do about it. I could see it happen already, as if I were looking into the future. Rumpelstiltskin would gain the power and, in the beginning, would do fine. Unfortunately, as time goes on, the insurmountable amount of power would go to his head and the man he is would disappear completely. Someone will get hurt. 

My only hope was that it would not be Kaige.

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