22 - Realization

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Michael POV

"The play's in three days, what am I supposed to do?"

"Well, you know all your lines. What's the big deal?"

Jermaine, Randy, Tito, Marlon, and I are playing video games on Marlon's new Xbox. Jackie and Randy are sleeping in, and the girls are out shopping. I kind of wish I was them sometimes. I love to shop on Saturdays.

"That's not the problem, Tito. I mean what am I supposed to do about Destiny?"

Jermaine speaks up, always being the know it all when it comes to girls, relationships, or anything for that matter. Just because he's been with Nicole for three years.

"Destiny? That girl you fucked before you left as all to go to Gary?"

"Wait, what the fuck?"

I drop my Xbox controller and Marlon pauses the game. Everyone groans when the game stops and they all look at me with some sort of annoyance.

"Don't you remember Halloween? You went out with Eleanor and she got all drunk and stuff?"

Jermaine goes on and I try to put my thoughts together. He must be lying. I can't remember going out at all on Halloween. I just remember waking up in a hospital in Gary and my mom telling me I hit my head. Then Diana and all her crap.

"Yeah and then you hooked up with Destiny 'cause she was there looking all fine for you."

Tito interrupts, almost climbing over Marlon. They all seemed eager to tell me this weird story. They must be lying, from the look on their faces of sheer amusement in my confusion.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't tell me you don't remember having sex with her bro."

My eyes only grow larger and larger with every detail given from Tito and Jermaine, but Marlon looks almost sad for me. He seems to be the only one with some empathy around here.

"Are you dumb?"

Jermaine hits my head pretty playfully, but it hurts enough for me to hit him back.

"Jermaine! Ouch!"

I clutch my head where he hit it and hiss in pain. Then it hits me, just how he did.


I wake up in a heap beside Destiny. She's spooning me with her arm fixed tightly around my chest. She looks like an angel sleeping, other than her snoring from time to time, which is way too loud. I'm not sure how either of us slept through that.

I gently remove arm, and slip out of the bed, grabbing yesterdays clothes and quietly changing into them. I creep out of the room and down the stairs quietly, attempting to avoid Destiny's mom's room. I really want to go get something nice for Destiny. We didn't go trick or treating, so maybe I can get her some candy.

I end up walking in the wrong direction - towards my own house for some reason so I turn around to go back in the middle of the crosswalk, and suddenly, everything goes black.


Destiny POV

"Can you pick one please?"

Issa is helping me shop for dresses for the play at Forever 21. He holds up two floral dresses for me to try on. I was never really a dress person, except for special occasions, and I definitely don't like floral patterns.

"I don't know... that one."

"I'm sorry, which one is that one?"

"I don't know... the one with flowers on it."

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