20 - Gonna Cut a Bitch

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Another damn week later...

Issa POV

"Diana, you dirty whore!"

She took it too far this time. I've put up with her shit time and time again but now I'm done answering to her. That bitch is going to pay for what she did now. I can't believe she blackmailed Destiny. Well, I can believe it because she's a selfish pig. She totally sabotaged the play. Desichael was going to be so goals. (Not my best ship name, but whatever)

"What is it now, Issat?"

Diana is really starting to get on my nerves. I really want to beat that bitch's non existent ass.

"Issa...It's Issa."


I can practically feel her rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone. I just want to pluck those little suckers right out of their sockets...

"What do you want?"

"I want you to stop being a bitch....and, oh yeah, stop trying to get with Michael! He doesn't want you."


She pretends to think. I hate her sarcasm. It sickens me, she sickens me. I usually gag at the very sight of her. I might accidentally throw up on her one day. I mean, she already looks like garbage.

"Nope. Not gonna happen."

I try not to blow up, taking a seat in Starbucks with my frappuccino.  I can't believe I got myself into this mess, it was a huge mistake to ever listen to her. All of a sudden the most adorable boy ever sits down at the table across from me. I almost choke on my frap at the breathtaking site of him; the definition of hotness. I try to look away, reminding myself I'm on the phone, and changing my tone of voice.

"Now listen here Dirty Diana..."

To my surprise, my lowered voice is low and intimidating...almost menacing. All the while staring right at the boy and keeping my voice down. Luckily he doesn't seem to notice, continuing to text on his phone. He's so cute...

"That's not my-"

Diana's disgusting nasal voice wakes me from my trance and I don't hold back from snapping at her.

"Shut the fuck up!"

After that she doesn't say a word, listening attentively. For some reason some old guy in Starbucks stares at me, and I stick my tongue out at him repulsively.

"You better leave Michael alone, or I'll whoop yo glass so hard, you'll go limping all the way back to Gary. I know what the fuck you did to him and you can't hide it forever. So you either leave him alone, or I'll tell him and Destiny. I have proof. So your little bitch ass better calm the fuck down or so help me I will get the paddle. You hear?"

I can not stop staring at that beautiful boy. I study his features and his behavior. He's wearing ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt and a black hat that covers his bleached ended hair. His legs are cross and he makes adorable faces, probably for snapchat.

Diana's disgusting voice pierces my ears again, reminding me that I'm still on the phone with her for some reason.

"Oh no, not that little slut Destiny! Don't tell her! If she comes after me, I don't know what I'll do!"

Damn Diana. Back at it again with the sarcasm! I just want to wrap my hands around that scronny little neck of hers...

"Whatever Diana. You'll get what's coming to you."

She doesn't say a thing, but I think I either hear her gulp or snicker.

"Ready? Here we do."

I hang up the phone and quickly put it back on my ear realizing I said do instead of go.

"Go, I mean go!"

I am only answered by the beeping tone on my phone. I slam it down on my table, annoyed, nd take a sip of my drink. There has to be some way to get his attention. I walk out of the Starbucks and stylishly pop the collar of my jean jacket. I walk right by his table and wink at him, then feel his fingers slip a piece of paper into the back pocket of my jeans. Nasty. I take it out once I get halfway down the block, smiling at the number, and realize something.

"That snake! He was taking pictures of me the whole time."

I say out loud, and smile to myself.

Destiny POV

Do it. Just do it. Put your finger on the button and just call him.

My mind plays tricks on me. I know I don't want to talk to him... he doesn't want to talk to me, so why should I bother with him? Why can't I just let go of him? I plop down onto my bed and stuff my face in the pillow. Maybe I should just text him. Yeah...just one text won't hurt. But it's not like he'll text back. We don't even talk in school anymore, except for the play. Why does my life have to be so dramatic?

"You're the one who made it dramatic."

Zendaya walks in to the room. Did I say all of that out loud? I give her a nasty look to shoe her away but she only snickers.

"How did you get in here?"

"Heaven gave me her key."

She holds up a key and I groan, burying my face back into the pillow. She rolls her eyes at much needed drama and sits on my bed beside me.

"What do you want?"

"Have you called him yet?"

I roll my eyes. Why is it any of her business anyways?

"No, Daya, I did not call him. Nor do I want to, nor will I be calling him anytime soon."

"Well, looks like it's someone's time of the month."

She giggles. Zendaya can be so rude sometimes. But I guess I can understand, since she's much older than me.

"Just shut up and leave me alone to rot here forever. Michael hates me"

"No he doesn't. Have you seen the way he looks at you? I mean, when you actually decide to talk to him."

Yes, I know I'm being over dramatic. But I miss him so much, I can't last a day without him. He's all up with that Tatiana now. Whatever. She deserves him. I roll over so that I'm not being suffocated by my pillow anymore, to see Zendaya's grinning face.

"I said that out loud, didn't I."

She only grins even more and nods at me. I just lie there for a minute, thinking about nothing. Zendaya interrupts my nothingness, as she always does.

"Well, maybe you should go out, just to, you know, get your mind off things."

"No thanks Daya, you go ahead. It's late, I'm tired."

I know if I go out partying with her again, I'll surely regret it. And besides, I'm not in the mood. It feels like seconds after she leaves when the doorbell rings again. Well, not like it rang before, she pretty much broke into my house.

Ding Dong.

I roll out of bed and plow down the stairs to spot an impatient Issa through the peephole in the door and open it for him.

"Issa? What are you doing here?"

I rush him inside and close the door quickly sealing out the cold air, looking him up and down. Issa's outfits always look the best. I really should get some fashion tips from him. He picks at his jean jacket.

"Destiny? Something's happened. We need to talk."


I know it's a short chapter and I know I haven't updated this in forever! Sorry but I really just didn't like the way this book was written, but I'll be sure to keep continuing it as long as you guys still like it. I roll my eyes so much while writing this. ;-;

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