2 - Choir

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English was fun. I have the best teacher in the history of teachers. He was great. Michael sat beside me and showed me all the things I needed to know.

Later that day I had Drama with Kyle. He is so good at drama. At least I think he is. I dont really hear anything that comes out of his mouth I only stare and get lost in his looks. I mean he isn't even very good looking. There's just something about his attitude that's just so intriguing.

It took me a while to find it, but I managed to mosey my way into the cafeteria and sit with Annie and her friends.

"She practically tried to rape my boyfriend right in front of me!" Chelsea flips her beach brown waves while ranting about some girl. I just eat my salad and listen to her.

"Really?" Annie doesn't really seem interested, but she listens anyways.

Chelsea is a small girl with a big attitude. I've learned she likes to be really loud, and speak her mind. I kind of envy how she doesn't care what others think of her, because I'm the complete opposite.

After a while of talking about some random girl, I decide to ask about Kyle, since I know literally nothing about him.

"Hey guys, do you know anything about Kyle?" They both quickly forget what they're talking about and avert their eyes to me.

Annie' eyes widen in surprise, some girl across the table laughs and one of the girls does spit tick.

"Yeah, Destiny. He's only the most popular guy in school. All the girls are in love with him. Personally I dont think he is that hot." The girl across the table gives me pretty much all the details I'm interested in hearing.

"He's a baller too you know. Amazing on the court, and he is blessed with some drama skills, oh, my lord."

I think the only person who can say oh my lord in real speech is spit tick girl. Also known as Chelsea.

"Interesting. thanks Chel."

Annie's POV

Destiny better not be falling for Kyle. She has too much to live for. She doesn't know Kyle like I do. He is dangerous and he can ruin her life. I don't want her heart to get broken.

"You shouldn't let yourself get caught up with boy drama Destiny. It will only hurt you. You have other things to focus on." She doesn't listen to me, and instead munches on her salad like some sort of animal.

"But he is so dreamy and he's good at art and drama." That's what she thinks.

"Oh c'mon you don't even know him! And he's in twelfth grade and you're in eleventh!"

"He can make good paper airplanes."

I just grunt at her and she never looks up at me. Just drifting off into thought while she eats her salad. I can't let her get into this. I have to do something fast. She can't get her heart broken if she doesn't give it out I guess.

Maybe if she focuses on something else it will help her forget about Kyle.

"Hey Des?"


"You should sign up for choir!" I say while stuffing my burger in my mouth.

"I dont know, Annie. The last time I tried it was a disaster. Remember the Home on the Range incident of 2013? It was traumatizing." I bite my lip to stop from laughing. How does she still remember my that?

"Yeah, that was pretty funny. But seriously you have an angelic voice. You should join." I try to persuade her, hoping she'll do it and hang out away from Kyle.

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