4- Recess

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It's lunch and I'm hanging out with Annie and her friends outside. I hated long lunches. I would never have anyone to hang out with and I would always end up sitting alone doing nothing. But at least now I have new friends.

"So guys, the Halloween dance is on Friday! Anyone else excited?"

Annie is flipping out because she's on the dance committee that held all the dances - including grad. So I guess she's stressed out co-ordinating everything, but very excited about it. Everyone's super excited.

"Guys I cant tell you too much, but this year they are finally letting 10th graders are allowed this year. It used to be only 11 and 12th graders, but we have enough of our own dances, I guess." Annie is always excited, even if it's not really a positive thing.


Noa was your basic white girl. She's super skinny and has long, natural bleach blonde hair that falls onto her shoulders. She is was always wearing the latest fashions and always looks good in them, even though she's pretty small and short.

It didnt seem like she was ever really herself. She has a slightly higher pitched voice than I thought was her real voice and it makes her sound like a child. The more I hang out with her, the more I felt like I'm becoming like her. And I definitely didn't want that to happen. Even though she gets lot of attention from boys acting like that.

"Do we have to have dates? Not that I don't have one, I'm just asking." Noa flips her hair dramatically.

"Of course we need dates! Right Anna?"

Then the whore of the group, Tyra. I'm pretty sure she had the most sexual experience out of all of us and it seemed she had a different boyfriend every week. She was a little less mature than all of us even though she was the most "matured" in the womanly areas.

She isn't very pretty, but she wears makeup to make up for it, but and she had really big breasts, and a perfectly round ass to match. She also has long, purple dyed hair that doesn't really suit her face, but she doesn't seem to care.

"Guys calm down. We don't need dates. We can all go together." Annie states, calming everyone down.

"Sounds good to me."

Noa seemed relived, which is surprising since it looks like she would have had a date. I'm enjoying our usual drama and eating an orange when I wonder where Eleanor is. She usually hangs with us.

"Hey guys, where's Eleanor?"

"Relax, Destiny. You know she's a floater. Probably spying on someone or something."

Everyone laughs at Annie's clever joke. I don't really find it funny since stalking is kind of creepy and weird, but I let it be. Then I spot out of the corner of my eye Eleanor talking to Michael. I couldn't tell what they were saying but I tried to look and see what was going on.

Michael is leaning against the baseball diamond while Eleanor's telling him something. She looks embarrassed, and her cheeks were red as a baby tomato, which is unlike her. She twirled her hair, which is unlike her. I couldn't hear them but I could tell what they were saying. You could see it from mars.

All of a sudden they finish talking and hug. Eleanor skips off and I quickly look away pretending not to have been stalking. I was stalking. That weird and creepy thing that I didn't think was nice. I was doing it.

Michael POV

I hate long lunches. Whenever we have free time the gang always tries to teach me sports. They say it will make me cool. I don't think they know what cool means, but of course I gave in again. We were playing baseball when Eleanor came over looking cute as ever.

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