11 - Drunk in Love

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Michael POV

I walk into Tyra's house and start to look for Destiny. My buddies are everywhere, and I greet them all nicely but rush to find Destiny. I have been to this house many times when Justin used to be my friend. Also, J.P., who is Tyra's brother, hangs with me all the time and we come here a lot. I know my way around the place well. I am looking everywhere when I decide that she isn't here yet.

People are drinking and dancing. I don't know why Tyra invites so many people here. They are probably all the friends of her many, many big brothers. I still don't fancy the idea of alcohol being provided, specially since a lot of people here are underage, so I don't decide to drink any.

I text Destiny and ask her where she is and she asks for the home address. I sigh and text her the address. I shove my phone in my pocket and see Eleanor with some of her friends and she has a red cup.

God no.


She comes strolling over to me drunkenly. I can tell she has been drinking becuase, well for starters, she called me Michaelangelo. She shouldn't be drinking... but maybe she didn't know that it was alcohol?

"Umm, hi Eleanor. What you got there?" She looks up at me with pale, shallow eyes and I smell her intoxicated breath.

"Oh this?" She motions to the big red cup. Red. My favorite colour. But in this situation it is the colour of Satan.

"Yeah this is my happy juice! He makes me feel good." She takes a huge sip of her 'juice', a.k.a. death in a cup, and I frown down at her as she throws the cup in the garbage. I have to get away from here before something happens that isn't planned. I know Eleanor and she isn't like this. She has changed a lot since she asked me to the dance. She isn't the Eleanor I know. The Eleanor I liked.

"OK Ellie. I'm going to find Destiny. You have fun."

"No Michael stay." Eleanor whines and grabs my arm with a new force that I didn't know she had.

"Eleanor, I really need to go."

I try to release myself from her strong grip. I think she has been playing Volleyball or something because her skinny arms are really strong. I didn't know it worked the arms, because hers are so muscular they are almost manly, but they still have a sweet, girly like look and feel to them. I would melt from her touch, and her sweet soft hands. But I don't feel it anymore. I don't feel... anything.

She looks me dead in the eyes. Her eyes are shallow, but filled with lust. I am against the wall and she is so close to me I can practically taste the alcohol in her breath. She grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into her. I feel her small lips on mine, crashing into me. I try to get away but she only pulls me closer.

I struggle and stop moving when I see Destiny in the distance. Her eyes are full of hurt. I feel a wave of emotion flow over me. Sadness, anger, hatred, regret and more mixed emotions. I finally pull away from Eleanor.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I push her off of me and run into the booming crowd to find what I came here for. I can here the faint cry of Eleanor calling for me but when I look back again she's on top of some other guy. I don't want her now. I want Destiny.


Destiny POV

Why? Who? When? How? WHY? I know I should have expected this but I just cant believe it. I stand in front of the mirror with mascara running down my face. Why do I feel like this? I dont have any right to feel this way. I knew full well that Michael was with Eleanor.

I grab a makeup wipe and wipe from my clutch and wipe off the runny mascara. I then take out my eyeliner and fix up my eyes a bit, then lightly re-apply my mascara. Luckily my face paint stayed complete in tact. I grab a hair brush and fix my hair as well.

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