18 - Tatiana

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Michael POV

It's been a week since I first saw Tatiana here. We're together now, and Diana doesn't seem to happy about it. She avoids me as much as possible and I never see her at home anymore. I worry about her, because she seems unhappy, and I want to be her friend again. I wonder what she's up to these days.

But being with Tatiana has changed my perspectives. I feel much better around her than I ever did with Diana. Or Eleanor. I even sang her the song and we really connected. But for some reason I feel this loss. Something missing. There is a hole inside me, too deep to bleed out.

"Welcome back class! As most of you know auditions were held for the musical, Teen Beach. I hope most of you auditioned, but it doesn't matter because you are all going to be in the choir anyways. If you have a part in the musical then you will not be in the choir. As for the rest of you, here is the music."

The class groans as the teacher passes around all the song lyrics and music. I had completely forgot about the play. Destiny, Diana and I all auditioned at the beginning of the year. At that time the intention was for Diana and I to be the main characters in the story, who end up falling in love. I really hope she doesn't get the lead.

"The cast list will be posted everywhere next period, so if you auditioned, and you get in, please inform me. Thank you."

I jump out of my seat as Diana pushes past me. She has been so rude lately. She refuses to talk to me, and I keep seeing her with guys all the time. It's weird especially because she's anything but a tomboy. I am surprised when Destiny comes over to talk to me.

"Hey Michael. You auditioned right?"

"Uh, yeah. Did you?"

"Yup. I kind of regret it though. I'm not the best actor in the world." I laugh a little, knowing she's lying. Destiny Jones the most amazing actress I have ever encountered. I saw her act last year in her drama class. We walk together over to where someone is posting the cast list.

"I hope you get in" Destiny flashes a compassionate smile as people flood the hall and everyone tries to catch a glimpse of the cast. I see Diana and one of her friends on the side jumping for joy, screeching like three year olds.

"Oh my god Diana you got the part!"


I frown knowing Diana doesn't really act, or sing or dance fir that matter. Well, she's a good singer, but not really the cheesy musical song type singer. I try to see the list and my eyes bulge when I see at the sight of the bold printing.

Diana as Layla, Harry as Tanner, Michael as Brady, Destiny as Mack, Miley as a Bush...

Destiny walks over to me in shock as well. I try to break the ice from the growing silence between us.

"Well uh, we got the parts." It came out as more of a nervous question then a statement. Destiny turns to me with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah." She turns her head back to study the cast list again. She only said 'yeah' but I was overjoyed to have any communication with her again. I look down at my shoes.

"Well, see you at the rehears--" Once I look up to talk to her again she is gone. The bell rings in my ears and I start to walk to my next class. Well, this will be interesting.


Destiny POV

I have been avoiding Michael a lot lately. I don't know why but I feel like I'm better off without all the drama. Heaven tells me I'm just creating drama by not talking to him, but I don't really know what to say or do anymore. I feel like if I talk to him, I'm only going to want to get involved with him, and he has a girlfriend. But now I really don't have a choice. We're cast as the lovers in a cheesy play. It literally couldn't get worse.

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