9 - The Aftermath

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"Michael, what the fuck?" I say and then cover my mouth, realizing that I had only imagined that. Weird.


I turn around with a sigh of relief. Good thing they didn't catch us. Destiny looks a bit scared so I give her a reassuring look.

"Michael what if they catch us?"

"Destiny they won't---"

I walked over to her and I bumped into some equipment and knocked it down. Suddenly we hear Matt and Justin. I pull her into the corner behind the ball rack and cover her mouth. She removes my hand.

"Michael you dont have to cover my mouth I'll be quiet." I cover her mouth again, knowing now that she's not going to be quiet.

"Hey Matt, I think someone is in the closet!" My breathing becomes short as we can hear their footsteps coming to the door. The doorknob turns but the door doesn't move.

"Boss, its locked." Justin plays with the doorknob a little and I sigh in relief.

"You dumbass, it's push not pull!" The door flies open and we duck low. I can feel her on top of me and we can't move. Not that I'm complaining...

"Justin, you stupid idiot. There's nobody in here!" Matt slaps Justin on the head and closes the door. We wait for them to go all the way out until we decide to move or talk again. I look up at Destiny on top of me. Her hair is all in her face, which is kind of cute.

"They're gone. You can get off me now. Unless you don't want to." She jumps off me and helps me up, rolling her eyes. We creep out of the closet and into the halls. She was right. This is a lot like mission impossible.


We reach the other gym door and peek through the it to see the game

"Michael, they're losing. You have to go help them."

I can't go play basketball right now. We just escaped being kidnapped. I'm too stressed and scatterbrained to save the school right now. At this point I don't even care who wins the stupid game, I just want to go home. Suddenly we here footsteps coming down the hall.

"Destiny, shhh be quiet" It could just be someone watching the game but I'm scared it might not be.

I grab her arm and pull her around the hall, looking for someplace to hide. I can hear Justin and Matt approaching quickly so we jump into yet another closet and closed the door. I listen to make sure they're gone and then open the door again.

"Okay, its clear. Lets go." We creep out of the closet and when I turn around Matt is right in front of me.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged out." Matt smirks and I pull Destiny behind me

"Matt, what the hell? Who says that anymore?"

"Shut up Justin."

I have to do something to distract them. I'm thinking and thinking just when I hear a loud bang. I turned around to see Kyle with a baseball bat and Destiny on the floor. This has just gone too far.

"Hey guys look! We're winning!" Is all I can think of saying to distract them quickly.

I couldn't believe myself when I saw them look back at the gym. The doors are closed so they can't possibly see the score anyways. I take the akward moment to drag Destiny around the hall into a nearby classroom.

"Michael, did you really think that was going to-- Justin I told you not to look!"

I chuckle at how stupid those Matt is. I guess Riverdale isn't a very good school. I hear them run away looking for us. Once they can't be heard anymore, I carry Destiny outside and I call my mom. She soon comes to pick us up and I hop in the car and put Destiny in so she leans on my lap.

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