18 - Issa

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Destiny POV

I think I might be hung over from last night. I would never consume alcohol voluntarily, but I cant seem to remember anything from last night, and I have a raging headache. I know for sure that there was some good music, and some dirty things happening with the girls. I've never seen so many girls wining on each other like that before. Faded memories boom in my head, and for some dumb reason, I have Dirty Diana's ugly ass face burned into the back of my eyelids.

I sit in class holding my Starbucks French Vanilla Latté, (yes I can afford that now, because of Zendaya) and staring blankly up at the board. The teacher is drawing different diagrams on how to shade and create depth. I tap my freshly manicured nails on the desk and study the acrylic with a distant mind.

Coming back from the winter break, we had to pick new courses. I don't know why I take visual arts. I'm not even good at it. But I needed to take an arts class and I wasn't going to take dance, because Michael takes it. Plus Zendaya says that practicing art will improve my skills. Skills in makeup, SFX makeup, nails, and henna. I'm really good at that kind of stuff. Maybe I should be a makeup artist one day. Or a tattoo artist.

"Destiny? Stop daydreaming! Class is over." Heaven, who also takes this class, gets me up. Luckily visual arts doesn't usually require homework, so I'm safe for now.

"What's with you Destiny?"

"Umm, nothing." She takes my bag for me and I grip my coffee with my cold hands, which are mostly covered with the long sleeves of my gray cardigan.

"Hey Heaven, did I drink last night?"

"No Destiny, of course not! Do you feel that terrible?"

"Yeah. I feel like I've been hit by a truck."

"Wow. Well it's a damn good thing we have a half day today because I have literally no patience for school lately." I scoff, realizing it's the second week of school and I have done close to no work at all. Not that I care.


I point out a couple of people, thinking I'm hallucinating, a girl with straight red hair, a guy with green spiky hair and another guy with a purple afro.

"Calm down Des, I already told you that you had nothing to drink last night. Relax. Only one more period to go. Remind me to never let you go out again on a school night." Heaven's warm touch relaxes me completely, but it only lasts a moment when I start to go crazy again.


First it's her. The face I see every time I close my eyes. Dirty Diana walks around the corner flipping her long, fake black hair. Then comes the way too familiar red bush on a certain someone's head. Flo walks by smirking harder than ever.

But that isn't the end. I rub my eyes and they practically pop out of their sockets when I see Tyra, Chelsea and.....Eleanor.

Back from Satan's house?

I rub my eyes a third time now, to see that the hair flipping freaks are gone.

"Did I just see..."

"Des, you're going to be late for class. All you will see is red from the blood that is going to be on your face after your mom sees how late you have been lately. Now git!" Heaven shoves me in the class as I struggle to check and to see if I saw what I thought I saw.


"Welcome back class. This week we will be taking a break from physical education to talk about sexual education. Now, since we don't have enough supplies for both classes, we are going to be doing this co-ed."

The estrogen-filled class coos. Enough supplies? How many condom 'demonstrations' do we have to do?

"Please be mature when the boys come in. We don't need anyone laughing whenever someone says the word penis. I trust all of you are comfortable with that by now. And if not, then, lets just say you're screwed. And not like you're going to be screwed, like you are screwed."

Usually people would laugh, but we all know that Mrs. Li isn't a joke type. She makes good jokes a lot, but they're still serious.

As the boys walk in and take their seats, I see Michael. I roll my eyes away as he walks in. I don't even want to look at his face. I then feel someone sit beside me. As I check my messages, (all from Michael by the way) I can feel him smiling at me but I don't look until the end of class, when we get up he bumps into me, knocking all the things out of my bag... including tampons. (I'm not on it but Heaven says I will be soon, so I have it in case.) I hope once I have my 7 children, I can get my tubes tied. Or my eggs extracted.

"Oh, sorry boo." His hand falls on mine as we both try to retrieve a book. Our eyes lock as he lets go of the book.

"Issa." He holds out his hand, also mostly covered by his sweater, which has a galaxy cat on it. I shake his hand and study his face. He has sharp features, a slim build, and an extremely contagious smile, but his eyebrows are what make his face perfect.


"Nice name."

"Same with you."

"Oh you really think so? I never liked it too much but I guess a lot of people do." He helps me pick up my books and put them back in my bag.

"Yeah It's a nice name. And I like your sweater."

"Oh I like yours too! Hey we should hang sometime. Here's my number. Text me."

I zip up my bag and he throws me a kiss and I catch it right on time. He's REALLY cute. But I think he might be gay.

As I walk through the halls, making a pit stop at my locker, I feel someone watching me. I must be really tired. Maybe I am hung over and Heaven just doesn't want to admit it. Maybe I'm still in my bed...


YAY TWAIMZ IS IN THE STORY! Hope none of you fainted or had any heart attacks from all the surprises... I need my readers!

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