10 - Betrayal

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OH Destiny, you are so hot.

Thanks Michael, but you are even hotter. I love your--


"Destiny, wake up!"

Eleanor shakes me and I wake from my dream. I rub my eyes and observe my surroundings. The science classroom is quite crammed, with microscopes and bottles of chemicals everywhere. The teacher is lecturing and going through a PowerPoint presentation. I grab my notes out of my bag and start scribbling.

We are in the chemistry unit, and instead of focusing, chemistry is all I can think of. The growing chemistry between me and Michael. But here beside me I have a constant reminder that he is 'taken'. I still don't know why he asked me to go to the party tonight, he clearly already has an escort for that. He and Eleanor are practically boyfriend and girlfriend. Eleanor has him in the palm of her hands and she takes full advantage of that. I'm sure they kissed. The thought makes me shudder. I decide to inspect that more.

"So, Eleanor, how are things going between you and Michael?"

I keep my voice at a whisper and look up at her to see her reaction. She sighs and drops her pencil and removes one of her earphones to look up at me.

"Oh it's great D! I really like him. But for some reason he has been avoiding me lately. I wanted him to go with me to Tyra's party as a date, ya know, and he was really weird about it. I thought he wanted to be my boyfriend or something. I guess not. I don't know."

"Mhm. Well I can see a reason why he might not want to go to the party..."

Eleanor seems really engaged as she takes off both her earphones that she is wearing and stares at me intently.

"Oh really? Why?"

I don't know if I should tell her about the whole kidnapping thing, so I decide not to.

"Umm, well, he has some beef with Justin."

"Oh ok, that makes sense. I guess that is understandable. Thanks Destiny."

I mumble something, not even knowing what I said myself. I dodged a bullet. If she knew Michael and I were in the closet together and that I practically gave Michael an oral lap dance while trying to call her I don't think she would be very happy.

After a while the projector is turned off and the lights flick on and I look down at my page of notes. My cheeks turn red as a baby tomato when I see the masterpiece I created. It's a the initials of Michael and I, inside a big heart, surrounded by many smaller hearts. I guess my hand has a mind of it's own.

I quickly shove it in my Adidas backpack, and luckily, Eleanor doesn't see it. I let out an internal sigh of relief and I grab my bag and dash for the door. I wait for the bell to ring until I meet Kyle's intense stare. It's a stare full of lust, but blood thirsty at the same time. His eyes throw daggers at me but they are shallow, and in no way deep like Michael's. I don't think I have ever thought about Michael's dark, deep, beautiful eyes. I am interrupted by the small voice of Eleanor, reminding me why I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts.

"See you at the party Destiny!"

I don't answer her because my puzzled eyes are fixed to Kyle's bloodlust-filled ones. I knock myself out of it and rip my eyes from his, and wave to Eleanor as the bell goes for the end of the day. I wonder what the hell was going through Kyle's mind. One can only wonder.


I dig through my closet, trying to find something to wear. I cant wear what I wore to the dance, because that's dirty from my head blood, so I have to find something else to wear. I find a black high waisted skater skirt and a black long sleeved crop top with a cool looking skull on the front. Crop tops are very in fashion right now. I'm not usually one to follow fashion trends, but crop tops and high waisted things look good on my slightly slim, but curvy figure. I take a quick shower and when I come out I discover several texts from Michael.

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