He looked at the picture she had sent him at the beginning of this crazy journey. She was just breath taking he knew that he’d never get tired of looking at her face. His eyes roamed down the picture and then they fell on his lips. Oh, how he’d love to be able to kiss them right now…

            That was the moment when he knew that he’d be okay. He’d be okay because hopefully he’d have Anna waiting for him. He knew that their life wouldn’t always be pretty, but he’d work through their future and current rough patches because he knew that if he always had her love then he would be a man with a lot to be thankful and happy for.

            He looked up at the sky and saw more snow starting to fall down it was going to be a long while till they found him yet. Brent closed his eyes and let sleep take him. He had to have just a few minutes of sleep… just a few he told himself….


            “I’m going to tell you right now. I will be taking whatever risks that are needed to get Brent back safe and sound, or at least mostly safe.” Anna gave Luke a take no shit look that almost had him shaking in his boots.

            He just nodded his head at her. “Don’t worrying, I will be taking the risks needed to,” he paused. “Well that is unless you almost get yourself killed. Then the terms will change.”

            Anna stayed silent while she led their search and rescue K-9, Kenai through the brush that was covered in thick, heavy snow. The dog just clomped along happily as if he had never had more fun in his life. It seemed like the search was a game for him, one that he wanted to conquer and then be rewarded for when he found the missing human.

            “He's quite the dog isn’t he?” Luke asked her as they covered more ground.

            “He is. Aren’t you Kenai?” She asked the dog and he stopped sniffing the ground, and looked up long enough to wag his tail at her. Anna grabbed a treat out of the pouch on her waist and fed it to him before they continued on.

            “Do you think he’ll be okay, Luke? I keep hoping that he will, but what if something happened to him”—she chocked on a sob and had to keep a tight hold on her emotions, as to not start crying—“I mean he was out her with a gun what something happened and it miss fired…”

            Her eyes were misted with tears, and Luke could see that they were teetering close to spilling over. He grabbed Kenai’s leash from her, and then turned to face her. “Don’t think like that. You’re just going to get yourself all worked up, and then you won’t be of any help to Brent.” He warned her.

            Anna took a couple deep breaths, feeling a little more in control of herself now. “Okay…” she breathed out and then continued, “how much ground have we covered?”

            “Only about a mile and a half, I don’t suspect to find him until were about three or four miles in.”

            Anna sighed. It felt like they were so close to him, but yet so far away.  

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