Chapter 18

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 18

          “Leslie lied to all of us.” Cassie told Anna as she walked into her room. Anna was lying in a heap upon the bed with red puffy cheeks, and mated hair.

             “She did?” She started to sit up on her bed.

            “Yes, she confessed to the whole thing while we were waiting for Sherriff Andrews to come and get her.” Cassie paused a second. “She wanted me to tell you that she was sorry.”

            Anna sat there and looked dumb. “She did?” She looked completely confused. “Are you shitting me?”

            “No I’m really not. Jess and I think that she had a change of heart. We don’t know why, but she did.”

            “So Brent’s wasn’t lying to me. It was all Leslie, and he really does care about me?” Her statement came out as more of a question than a statement.

            “Yes, he really does.”

            Anna still looked confused as she sat there. “But he kissed her back,” she kind of mumbled.

            “So… Leslie can be a very convincing person. You saw what she wanted you to believe. My brother can be an asshole, but he would never cheat on a person.”

            “I don’t know Cassie. I haven’t known him as long as you have, only for a couple of months.” She still looked unsure, but Cassie knew that she could come around and realize Brent wouldn’t ever be a cheater.

            “Well, I know my brother, and I know that he would never do that to you. Have you ever seen the way he looks at you?” Anna shook her head ‘no’. “Well, I have. He looks at you like he couldn’t live without you, like he’d die if you ever left him. To him, the sun rises and sets because of you.”

            Anna looked at her as if she wasn’t quite sure if she believed her.

            Cassie continued on. “Now I don’t know if he loves you, but I do know that he’s on his way there. He may realize it tomorrow, next week or, next month, but the think about love, Anna, is that it’s worth waiting for.” Cassie put a serious look on her face. “Now when he gets back here from wherever he’s gone I want you guys to talk, and work things out. Got it?”

            “Yeah, I do, but I’m still unsure about this whole thing, and how it will end?”

            “You’ll be fine, but how ‘bout in the mean while we go and hang out with Jess in the living room, and have a girl’s night.” Cassie was holding open Anna’s door.

            “Sure,” Anna got up and followed her out.


            Brent walked in the house that night with a little weight taken off of his shoulders. After his confrontation with Anna he’d gotten a call from one of the guys, telling him about how they were going to Middle Fork up in Hobson, Montana for a hunting trip.

            He’d agreed knowing that he had to get away for a little while. He needed space from Anna, and she needed some away from him. This would be the first time they’d been apart, and maybe they could get over the things that had happened. Hopefully helping them to realize that they belonged together, and that nothing could or would ever change that.

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