Chapter 26

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 26

            “Can you give Anna her plane ticket?” Brent asked Cassie the next morning, as he handed her a plane ticket.

            The night before, had been a sleepless one for everyone. Brent had tossed and turned which ultimately had hurt his shoulder and stomach more, so he had sat up all night thinking about Anna. He was going to miss her, but he was going to let the thoughts of her betrayal wash away everything else.

            It had been a little different for Anna, she’d cried for hours while she’d packed and then she’d ultimately cried herself to sleep. There had been a couple of minutes while she’d been packing where she’s called Chrissie to tell her that she’d be coming home. In all honesty Anna didn’t know if she was going to be able to leave, she loved him so much.

            “No. You’re making a huge mistake, and I won’t be part of it.” Cassie wanted to smack her brother. He just couldn’t let Anna leave, but he would listen to the voice of reason.

            “Please, Cassie can you just do this for me? And I’m not making a mistake… She betrayed me. She was going to leave me just because I couldn’t remember her.” Brent was annoyed, and he felt all alone.

            “My answer is still no. You will not change my mind.” Cassie huffed. “Did you even ask for her side of the story, or did you just go off on a rampage like you always do? Huh? You are one big blubbering idiot.”

            “Fine! I’ll go do it myself, and for your information, little sis I am not an idiot.” Brent roared as he exited the living room, heading for the staircase.

            He was met with a wall of soft women and he grabbed onto her to steady the both of them. He breathed her scent in and then smiled before he could help himself. The soft women in his arms became still. Brent immediately released her and then he opened up his eyes.

            He knew it was Anna who’d been in his arms a moment prior, and seeing her only made it even more real. That was the last time that he was going to get to hold her. He felt a pang in his chest, and then he pushed it to the side and got ahold of himself.

            “Would you pay attention to where you’re going?” A look of shock came over Anna’s face, and then she looked like she wanted to cry. Brent felt a little guilty.

            Anna looked down at her hands. “Yeah, sorry.” She grabbed ahold of her suitcase which she’d let go of when she’d run into Brent.

            Brent grabbed her plane ticket out of his back pocket, and handed it to her. “Here you go.”

            Panic engulfed Anna. This was all becoming so real, she had to leave know. Her home was once again being ripped from her. A sob tore from her mouth, and Brent did nothing but to stand there watching her. Anna slipped the plane ticked into the messenger bag that was slung across her shoulders.

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