Chapter 21

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 21

            “Are you okay, Anna?” Cassie asked as she kneeled down next to Anna, she was sitting on the couch with a blank look on her face.

            All Anna could was shake her head, ‘no’ while she starred at the floor in disbelief.

            Cassie rubbed Anna’s shoulders in a poor effort to comfort her. “Come on please talk to me Anna.” She got no reply. “He’ll be fine I promise you that. Brent’s known for getting himself in deep shit, but he always manages to get out of it in one way, or another.”

            Anna still wouldn’t talk, and so Cassie figured that she was still a bit shell shocked from the news.

            Deciding that she probably needed a little time to process everything that was happening, Cassie walked over to Luke, and stood by him while they both watched Anna.

            “Do you have any other information? I think Anna needs something more… Something that will give her hopes to believe that my idiot of a brother will be okay.”

            Luke sighed, and looked back at Anna. “Honestly Cass, I only really know what you guys know. All the information I have is that he’s missing and that the Sheriff up there has a search and rescue planned. Other than that I’m pretty in the dark until I get another update.”

            Cassie nodded her head understanding that there was only so much that he could do. “Do you think you could get one of your deputies to give us a ride up there? I don’t trust Anna or me to drive up there, and I know she needs to be there.”

            “Sure… just let me go radio dispatch for an available deputy.” Luke turned around and walked out the door to his squad car.

          Cassie went back over to Anna. “I know you feel guilty, and you’re going to continue feeling this way until we find him, and assure you that he’s okay. But Anna you have to talk to us, we can’t help you get through this unless you’ll talk to us.” She sighed. “I know how you feel, and you can trust me if you want to talk about it…”

            That was when Anna finally looked up at her; with little tear tracks going down her face. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, Cassie,” she sounded so defeated.

            “Okay, you don’t. But you do have to pack were going to be leaving soon for Middle Fork. One of Luke’s deputies going to be driving us up there.”

            Anna just walked away without saying anything else to Cassie. She climbed up the stairs, and made the journey to her room. Once she was inside she closed the door with her back and collapsed against the door. She cried into her hands for a good fifteen minutes.

            Finally she felt slightly better—not whole yet, she wouldn’t feel whole again until she knew that Brent was okay. Mindlessly she got up and grabbed a bag and began to stuff her clothes into it. Not caring what she placed inside. When the bag was full she zipped it closed and made her way to the bathroom.

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