Chapter 12

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 12

              It'd been a little under a month since Clint had left Cassie. Every day her broken heart healed a little more. Cassie was still completely shattered on the inside.

              Brent felt helpless as he watched his sister try to heal her broken heart. The first week they couldn't get her out of her room. You would have thought she was mourning Clint's death, and she might as well have been. Her love was gone and they had no clue when he would come back, or if he even would after the talking to Cassie had given him.

              Everyday Cassie had trouble understanding why Clint had wanted to leave. Nothing made sense to her anymore. She walked around in a fog trying to fight her way through it, but she just kept getting pushed farther and farther back. The only thing that seemed to help her was when she would ride Murphy for hours on end. No one knew where she went and Cassie was okay with that, she wanted to spend as much time as she could at her and Clint's tree.

              Anna had hope that in time Cassie's heart would completely heal. Although, she honestly didn't believe her heart would be fully healed until she had Clint back. Brent had tried to figure out where Clint had gone, but each time he'd find something it would lead him to a dead end. Every time he heard Cassie crying he looked like someone had physically punched him in the stomach.

              While Cassie had been broken apart, Brent and Anna had been getting closer. Every free moment they'd had they spent together. Just the other night they'd been snuggled up on the couch watching a movie while they shared a bowl of popcorn. Brent at heart was a complete and utter teddy bear. He still had that this-is-my-woman-and-I-will-protect-her attitude, but when you really got to know him that was just one of the many things that made Brent, Brent.

              Since it was a week before Thanksgiving Brent's parents would be arriving the next day to spend the holiday with them.

              Anna was extremely nervous to meet his parents. They didn't exactly have a normal relationship, especially not if you think about how they met. From everything she'd heard from Cassie told her that they were amazing people. Anna just hoped that they liked her.

              "What are you thinking about, Anna Banana." She loved it when Brent called her that.

              She smiled over at him from the top of Cupid. "Nothing really, well, actually I'm a bit nervous about meeting your parents tomorrow."

              "Don't worry about it they'll love you," Brent reached out to hold her hand in his.

              "But how do you know they will, they've never met me before." Anna wasn't as convinced as Brent was at the situation.

              "Anna there are something's I just know, okay?" He asked her while she stared off into the setting sun.

               "Okay, I trust you."

              That one statement meant the world to him. Brent knew about what her parents had done to her, and knowing that she could trust him after all she been through made him like her all the more.

             "Thank you for trusting me," he squeezed her hand lightly with his. "Let's get back to the ranch. I don't want to leave Cassie there alone for too long."

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