221b Baker Street

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It was made of mahogany wood, and even though I had just moved in it was full of stuff. Hopping out of the chair, I went over to look at what the TARDIS had gifted me with. It had to be why I couldn't see the bookcase when I walked in.

The bookcase was about a foot taller than me, so that I could touch the top if I stood on my tiptoes. The top three shelves were packed with books, ones that looked vaguely familiar. I pulled a random book out, realizing why they were familiar. These were all books I had Jumped too, and a few I planned on going to later.

I skimmed through the pages of the book in my hand, The Brazen Spindle, using the Time Lady biology to read through it like a bullet. What had been so important about the books that the TARDIS felt the need to share? I was still keeping them, but why give me all of the extra copies? When I reached the end of my book, I realized why.

For the longest time, I'd had this theory that in the other worlds I Jumped to that you could see the other places I changed. Like, if I went to Criminal Minds I could watch the Doctor Who episodes with me in them. The theory had always been on the back of my mind, since I was 65 and found out about the multiverse theory. I'd always been too busy to go and check for it, and eventually the theory was considered to be a little fantasy.

Seeing these books proved me right. I could relive the glory days, maybe even see where I went wrong on some of the more bad ones. Of course, I had to look at some of them right away. It would be the only way I could keep from screwing up a movie reference. Also, because I really wanted to have more than just my memories.

"Thanks Idris." I said, putting the book back in it's place. The ceiling hummed, which I assumed was her reply.

I checked the next three shelves, taking notice that the bottom one was filled with a big stereo. It was something by Sony, so I guess that's good.

They weren't books. The first shelf had DVDs of various movies and shows I had jumped in. 30 Days was thankfully absent. There was one, Guardians of the Galaxy, that sounded vaguely familiar. The bottom shelf had something that made me grin.

"Music." I said, my hand roaming over the twenty or so CD's. That was what the big stereo on the bottom shelf was for, so I could play all of the music I wanted. "This is awesome."

So, I pulled out an Imagine Dragons CD, and popped it in the stereo. I was able to climb up into my bunk before the music filled the room.

'I'm waking up to ash and dust. I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in the chemicals.'

I gasped in turn with the music, feeling the hours of stress melt away as I exhaled.


'It don't mean a thing without my Carolina Rose.'

It had been a little over three hours since I first walked into my room. I changed the CD on occasion, mostly because I wanted to try all the music I could. The genres were pretty diverse, going from bands like Imagine Dragons, the Script, and Daughtry, to more country artists like Gloriana, Little Big Town, and Hunter Hayes. There was one Barbie CD, which was just a compilation of all the songs from her movies. What? Barbie was a guilty pleasure.

Anyway, with the new song fading away, I turned off the stereo. My bag had been unpacked of the clothes I purchased, and I hoped the TARDIS would be able to give me more as time went on. I glanced over at the other bunk, the one that was bare of anything other than a spare pillow and beige blanket. That was where my experiment had slept, the one Pops had made for me. No, really, the one he made for me.

Child of NowhereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang