The Secret Sister

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Instead of walking into the console room, I was dancing to music playing in my head.

It had been two months since Jack joined the TARDIS crew.

The Doctor had dropped Jack and I off in modern day England to help a Neanderthal adjust to modern society. I don't mean Neanderthal like in the insult, I mean an actual Neanderthal from the prehistoric times. His name was Das, married a nice girl named Anna-Marie. It had been one of the more trying months of my life, but I was happy to give Magoo and Carolina time alone.

Besides, it added a fun thing to my resume. Assimilated a Neanderthal to the twenty-first century. Taught him about driving a car and that apple pie was not a rare gift from the gods. In addition, the all important lesson of: no dating Jackie Tyler. That had been a near miss, since she nearly caught sight of me dragging Das out of the club. Then, there was the fact that I was not a goddess. What? A girl has a little more intelligence than the modern day humans, and suddenly I must have god-like powers?

Though Jack was having less fun with it as the month drew to a close. A real adrenaline junkie, my companion. Course, he'd done crazy stuff to even get us to Das. If my sister ever found out Jack was naked, she might die from the thought of missing it. I had managed to keep my head on straight in that month, though only because of regular talks with my sister. There was some mingled Planning in there, took a lot of the edge off. I also did my math homework from Home, Dad would kill me if I forgot another math lesson.

Luckily, the Doctor picked us up after a month. Jack and I asked to see Das' wedding, especially since Jack was the best man...after I explained what a best man was to Das. Anna-Marie actually brought up flower girls and I was momentarily worried for Rose's safety.

But as of today, everything was worth it!

I'd timed it perfectly. The whole TARDIS crew was together. I couldn't fight my smile, and it seemed way too cheery to be mine. My friends agreed.

"Hey guys!" I cheered, skipping along to the console with the music I was humming. "How're things?" I braced myself on the handles, leaning forward to look up at Idris' rotor.

There was a bit of silence from the others. "Are you alright?" The Doctor spoke up.

"Why? Is it like I did a complete 180!" I joked. Come on, I think on a birthday you're allowed to make puns! "Wow. Okay, wow. I am not getting enough appreciation for that."

The three exchanged a look. There was a silent conversation, deciding which of them would step up. The past free days, I'd been a bit more cheery than before. It would probably be Jack. The Doctor and I were a bit at odds right now.

He wanted me to get rid of my weapons. He thinks weapons are a danger to everyone. Having them around set themselves on edge. He didn't like so many weapons in one place, knowing that.

I refused. I knew fully well that they were not toys, that they could kill or wound as I saw fit. Besides, most were parts of my job and if I lost them, returned to work without, it'd be a nightmare! Moreover, I couldn't risk my friends' lives.

The argument was pushed out of my mind. I had bigger things to do today.

To my surprise, it was Rose that stepped up. "So, Terra. You've been in a...good mood."

"About time you lot noticed. I've only been like this all week." It was true. I felt a giggle bubbling in my throat. My birthday never failed to cheer me up! "I know I told you three what was coming."

Jack thought over it. After a moment, he started to grin. "It's today?" I nodded, happily. The ex-conman pulled me in for a hug. "Then let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

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